New Phytologist, 225(2020), 2048–2063, doi: 10.1111/nph.16272.
Since its publication, it has been brought to our attention that there are errors in the article by Yan et al. (2023). Some of the images in Figs 7, 8 & S11 were duplicated in error during the compilation of these figures. The correct Figs 7, 8 & S11, and the associated legends, are given below.
We apologize to our readers for these errors.
Corrected Figs 7, 8 & S11:
Fig. 7
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Interaction of SlMYBATV or anthocyanin fruit (Aft) with SlAN1 or SlJAF13 by a yeast two-hybrid assay. Three transcripts of SlMYBATV (SlMYBATV-X1 to -X3) identified in a previous study (Cao et al., 2017) were used. SlMYBATV-X2 and -X3 both lead to truncated proteins compared with SlMYBATV-X1. Co-transformants containing pGADT7-RecT with pGBDT7-53 were used as a positive control; co-transformants containing pGADT7-RecT with pGBDT7-Lam were used as a negative control. The assays shown in this figure and Supporting Information Fig. S11 were carried out together; therefore, the same positive and negative controls are used in both figures.
Fig. 8
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Interaction of anthocyanin fruit (Aft) with the SlMYBATV promoter in vivo. (a) DNase I hypersensitivity site (DHS) flanking the SlMYBATV gene. The DNase hypersensitivity data are from a previous publication (Qiu et al., 2016a). The data were visualized by the Integrative Genomics Viewer. The red arrow indicates the DHS. (b) Identification of motifs in the DHS and the predicted promoter region (0 bp to _2000 bp from ATG) of SlMYBATV. Motif discovery and ontology analysis were performed using MEME Suite 5.0.5. (c) A yeast one-hybrid assay shows that Aft binds to MYB-enriched fragment (pATV) in the SlMYBATV promoter and its mutants (pATV -M1 to M5, -M1 to -M5 means deletion in the first to fifth MYB motif, respectively). Co-transformants containing different constructs (pGADT7-Aft with pATV, and pATV -M1 to -M5, respectively) were grown on SD/−Leu and SD/−Leu media plus Aureobasidin A (AbA) for 3 d at 30°C. Co-transformants containing pGADT7-53 with p53-AbAi were used as a positive control; co-transformants containing pGADT7 with pATV were used as a negative control. (d) Relative luciferase activity (the ratio of LUC to REN) of pATV by Aft. Data are means of six biological replicates_SE. Asterisks indicate significant difference: **, P < 0.01 (Student's t-test).
Fig. S11
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Interaction of SlMYBATV with SlAN1 by a yeast two-hybrid assay. Three transcripts of SlMYBATV (SlMYBATV-X1 to -X3) identified in the previous study (Cao et al., 2017) were used. SlMYBATV-X2 and -X3 both lead to truncated proteins compared with SlMYBATV-X1. Co-transformants containing pGADT7-RecT with pGBDT7-53 were used as a positive control; co-transformants containing pGADT7RecT with pGBDT7-Lam were used as a negative control. The assays shown in this figure and Fig. 7 were carried out together; therefore, the same positive and negative controls are used in both figures.