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Non-Hermitian Loss-driven Broadband Low-Loss on-Chip Terahertz Photonic SPDT Switch
Laser & Photonics Reviews ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-28 , DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202401456
Hang Ren, Xu-Lin Zhang, Zhidong Lyu, Hong Chen, Ya-Qi Song, Lei Wang, Yong-Sen Yu, Xianbin Yu, Qi-Dai Chen, Su Xu

Terahertz photonic single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switches, which facilitate on-chip channel control and signal routing, serve as the key components of future terahertz communication and sensing systems. However, broadband and low-loss on-chip photonic SPDT switches still present a formidable challenge due to the restricted capability of manipulating terahertz waves in photonic circuits. Here, a non-Hermitian loss-driven solution is proposed for achieving broadband and low-loss terahertz on-chip photonic SPDT switches. As proof of concept, an all-silicon terahertz SPDT switching chip is experimentally demonstrated around the center frequency of 125 GHz with a relative bandwidth of 7.2%. The two paths are driven by external optical pumping and evolve adiabatically around an exceptional point (EP) in the unbroken and broken PT-symmetric phases. Interestingly, the strong non-Hermitian loss instead enforces the photonic modes to the low-loss energy level and thereby keeps the switch working at the low-loss transmission status. As a result, the minimum optical powers require for the ultrafast terahertz communications are only −2 and 1 dBm. Both channels of the SPDT switch support on-chip 16-QAM streams with a 36-Gbit s−1 data rate. The design as a basic building block is anticipated for a myriad of on-chip applications, including 6G communications, detection, and sensing.


非厄米特损耗驱动宽带低损耗片上太赫兹光子 SPDT 开关

太赫兹光子单刀双掷 (SPDT) 开关有助于片上通道控制和信号路由,是未来太赫兹通信和传感系统的关键组件。然而,由于光子电路中纵太赫兹波的能力有限,宽带和低损耗片上光子 SPDT 开关仍然面临巨大挑战。在这里,提出了一种非厄米特损耗驱动解决方案,用于实现宽带和低损耗太赫兹片上光子 SPDT 开关。作为概念验证,在 125 GHz 的中心频率和 7.2% 的相对带宽附近对全硅太赫兹 SPDT 开关芯片进行了实验演示。两条路径由外部光泵浦驱动,并围绕未中断和断开的 PT 对称相位中的异常点 (EP) 绝热演变。有趣的是,强非厄米特损耗反而将光子模式强制到低损耗能级,从而使开关工作在低损耗传输状态。因此,超快太赫兹通信所需的最小光功率仅为 −2 和 1 dBm。SPDT 交换机的两个通道都支持数据速率为 36 Gbit 的 −1 片上 16-QAM 流。该设计作为基本构建块,有望用于无数的片上应用,包括 6G 通信、检测和传感。