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Children's emerging ability to balance internal and external cognitive resources
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-28 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14205
Lily Dicken, Thomas Suddendorf, Adam Bulley, Muireann Irish, Jonathan Redshaw

Australian children aged 6–9 years (N = 120, 71 females; data collected in 2021‐2022) were tasked with remembering the locations of 1, 3, 5, and 7 targets hidden under 25 cups on different trials. In the critical test phase, children were provided with a limited number of tokens to allocate across trials, which they could use to mark target locations and assist future memory performance. Following the search period, children were invited to adjust their previous token allocation. Although 8‐ to 9‐year‐olds prospectively allocated proportionately more tokens to more difficult trials, 6‐ to 7‐year‐olds did so only in retrospect. During middle childhood, humans become increasingly adept at weighing up when to rely on their unaided capacities and when to offload cognitive demand.



澳大利亚 6-9 岁儿童(N = 120,71 名女性;2021-2022 年收集的数据)的任务是记住不同试验中隐藏在 25 个杯子下的 1、3、5 和 7 个目标的位置。在关键测试阶段,为儿童提供了有限数量的令牌,以便在试验中分配,他们可以使用这些令牌来标记目标位置并协助未来的记忆表现。搜索期结束后,孩子们被邀请调整他们之前的代币分配。尽管 8 至 9 岁儿童前瞻性地将更多的代币分配给更困难的试验,但 6 至 7 岁儿童只是在回顾时才这样做。在童年中期,人类越来越善于权衡何时依赖自己的独立能力以及何时卸载认知需求。