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A parallelised algorithm to identify arbitrary yield surfaces in multiscale analyses
International Journal of Plasticity ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2024.104183
Jakob Platen, Johannes Storm, Michael Kaliske

Plasticity is a common phenomenon in many materials. Furthermore, it is also commonly applied in multiscale analyses. Plasticity is mainly characterised by the yield function. This function distinguishes between the elastic and the plastic material domain. The transition surface is denoted as the yield surface, and characterises the material behaviour significantly. In the contribution at hand, an algorithm is proposed, which can identify arbitrary yield surfaces. No assumptions regarding the geometry, kinematics, or material model need to be incorporated. The algorithm can identify yield surfaces as long as a function can be formulated, which measures the distance of any point in the principal stress space to the yield surface, and an indicator exists, which characterises the behaviour of the material to be elastic or plastic. Hence, a very general algorithm is achieved, which can also be applied to crystal plasticity. The property of star-convexity of yield surfaces is exploited. This algorithm is also well suited for the application in high performance computing environments. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm can be applied to the identification of initial damage surfaces as well.


