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Prospective Controlled Study of Endoscopic Botulinum Toxin Injection for Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction: The Inability to Belch Syndrome.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 , DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000003242
Santosh Sanagapalli,Mary Eid,Matthew Bong-Sik Kim,Fiona Tudehope

INTRODUCTION Complete inability to belch due to retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD) may lead to chronic gas-related gastrointestinal complaints. We aimed to validate high-resolution manometric (HRM) diagnostic criteria and prospectively evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of cricopharyngeal botulinum toxin injection (CBTI) by flexible endoscopy. METHODS Consecutive manometrically diagnosed patients with R-CPD were included. Asymptomatic volunteers were also included for diagnostic validation. Patients with R-CPD underwent CBTI (treatment group) or deferred/declined treatment (control group). Outcomes included ability to belch, clinical symptoms, and quality of life measured using self-report questionnaires. RESULTS Sixty-five subjects were included (52 treatment group, 7 controls, and 6 asymptomatic volunteers). All patients with R-CPD had inability to belch since childhood. During HRM with carbonated drink provocative testing, all R-CPD patients demonstrated characteristic esophageal pressurization patterns associated with failure of upper esophageal sphincter relaxation; these findings were never seen in asymptomatic volunteers. At 3 months, 92% patients who received CBTI were able to belch (compared with 0 controls; P < 0.001) and experienced improved clinical symptoms (global symptom score improved from 7.3 ± 1.7 to 1.8 ± 2.3, whereas in controls was static 7.5 ± 2.1 to 7.7 ± 1.8; P < 0.0001 for comparison). Quality of life significantly improved in the treatment group but not controls ( P = 0.0002). At 3 months, 43/51 (84%) of the treatment group reported being satisfied or very satisfied with therapeutic outcome. DISCUSSION HRM with carbonated drink provocation demonstrates pathognomonic signs of R-CPD that were not seen in health. Flexible endoscopic CBTI is highly effective for symptomatic relief compared with no treatment.



引言 由于逆行环咽功能障碍 (R-CPD) 而完全无法打嗝可能导致慢性气体相关的胃肠道不适。我们旨在验证高分辨率测压 (HRM) 诊断标准,并前瞻性评价软式内窥镜环咽肉毒杆菌毒素注射 (CBTI) 的可行性和有效性。方法 纳入连续测压诊断的 R-CPD 患者。无症状志愿者也被纳入诊断验证。R-CPD 患者接受 CBTI (治疗组) 或延迟/拒绝治疗 (对照组)。结局包括打嗝能力、临床症状和使用自我报告问卷测量的生活质量。结果 共纳入 65 例受试者 (52 例治疗组、7 例对照组和 6 例无症状志愿者)。所有 R-CPD 患者从儿童时期起就无法打嗝。在碳酸饮料激发试验的 HRM 期间,所有 R-CPD 患者都表现出与食管上括约肌松弛失败相关的特征性食管加压模式;这些发现从未在无症状志愿者中发现。在 3 个月时,92% 接受 CBTI 的患者能够打嗝(相比之下,对照组为 0;P < 0.001)并出现临床症状改善(总体症状评分从 7.3 ± 1.7 提高到 1.8 ± 2.3,而对照组为静态 7.5 ± 2.1 提高到 7.7 ± 1.8;P < 0.0001 进行比较)。治疗组的生活质量显着改善,但对照组没有 (P = 0.0002)。3 个月时,治疗组中有 43/51 (84%) 报告对治疗结果满意或非常满意。讨论 碳酸饮料激发 HRM 显示 R-CPD 的特异性体征,这些体征在健康中未见。 与不治疗相比,软式内窥镜 CBTI 对缓解症状非常有效。