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Assessment of Home-based Monitoring in Adults with Chronic Lung Disease. An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-25 , DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202410-2080st
Yet H Khor,Vitalii Poberezhets,Russell G Buhr,James D Chalmers,Hayoung Choi,Vincent S Fan,Maureen George,Anne E Holland,Hilary Pinnock,Christopher J Ryerson,Rachel Alder,Kerri I Aronson,Teresa Barnes,Roberto Benzo,Surinder S Birring,Jeanette Boyd,Barbara Crossley,Ron Flewett,Michael Freedman,Toni Gibson,Linzy Houchen-Wolloff,Uma M Krishnaswamy,John Linnell,Fernando J Martinez,Catharina C Moor,Hilarry Orr,Andrea A Pappalardo,Isabel Saraiva,Karin Wadell,Henrik Watz,Marlies S Wijsenbeek,Jerry A Krishnan

Background: There is increasing interest in the use of home-based monitoring in people with chronic lung diseases to improve access to care, support patient self-management, and facilitate the collection of information for clinical care and research. However, integration of home-based monitoring into clinical and research settings requires careful consideration of test performance and other attributes. There is no published guidance from professional respiratory societies to advance the science of home-based monitoring for chronic lung disease. Methods: An international multidisciplinary panel of 32 clinicians, researchers, patients, and caregivers developed a multidimensional framework for the evaluation of home-based monitoring in chronic lung disease developed through consensus using a modified Delphi survey. We also present an example of how the framework could be used to evaluate home-based monitoring using spirometry and pulse oximetry in adults with asthma, bronchiectasis/cystic fibrosis (CF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and interstitial lung disease (ILD). Results: The PANACEA framework includes seven domains (test Performance, disease mANAgement, Cost, patient Experience, clinician Experience, researcher Experience, and Access) to assess the degree to which home-based monitoring assessments meet the conditions for clinical and research use in chronic lung disease. Knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research of home spirometry and pulse oximetry in asthma, bronchiectasis/CF, COPD, and ILD were identified. Conclusion: The development of the PANACEA framework allows standardized evaluation of home-based monitoring in chronic lung diseases to support clinical application and future research.



背景: 人们对在慢性肺病患者中使用家庭监测以改善获得护理的机会、支持患者自我管理并促进临床护理和研究信息收集的兴趣日益浓厚。然而,将家庭监测整合到临床和研究环境中需要仔细考虑测试性能和其他属性。专业呼吸学会没有发表的指南来推进慢性肺病的家庭监测科学。方法: 一个由 32 名临床医生、研究人员、患者和护理人员组成的国际多学科小组开发了一个多维框架,用于评估慢性肺病的家庭监测,该框架是使用改良的 Delphi 调查达成共识开发的。我们还提供了一个例子,说明如何使用该框架来评估使用肺活量测定法和脉搏血氧测定法对患有哮喘、支气管扩张/囊性纤维化 (CF)、慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD) 和间质性肺病 (ILD) 的成人进行家庭监测。结果: PANACEA 框架包括七个领域 (测试性能、疾病管理、成本、患者体验、临床医生体验、研究人员体验和访问),以评估基于家庭的监测评估在多大程度上满足慢性肺病的临床和研究使用条件。确定了家庭肺活量测定法和脉搏血氧测定法在哮喘、支气管扩张症/CF、COPD 和 ILD 中的未来研究的知识差距和建议。结论: PANACEA 框架的开发允许对慢性肺病的家庭监测进行标准化评估,以支持临床应用和未来研究。