Nature Astronomy ( IF 12.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-26 , DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02386-6 Aaron B. Pearlman, Paul Scholz, Suryarao Bethapudi, Jason W. T. Hessels, Victoria M. Kaspi, Franz Kirsten, Kenzie Nimmo, Laura G. Spitler, Emmanuel Fonseca, Bradley W. Meyers, Ingrid H. Stairs, Chia Min Tan, Mohit Bhardwaj, Shami Chatterjee, Amanda M. Cook, Alice P. Curtin, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Tarraneh Eftekhari, B. M. Gaensler, Tolga Güver, Jane Kaczmarek, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Daniele Michilli, Thomas A. Prince, Ketan R. Sand, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick M. Smith, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar
The precise origins of fast radio bursts (FRBs) remain unknown. Multiwavelength observations of nearby FRB sources can provide important insights into the enigmatic FRB phenomenon. Here we present results from a sensitive, broadband X-ray and radio observational campaign of FRB 20200120E, the closest known extragalactic repeating FRB source (located 3.63 Mpc away in an ~10-Gyr-old globular cluster). We place deep limits on the persistent and prompt X-ray emission from FRB 20200120E, which we use to constrain possible origins for the source. We compare our results with various classes of X-ray sources, transients and FRB models. We find that FRB 20200120E is unlikely to be associated with ultraluminous X-ray bursts, magnetar-like giant flares or an SGR 1935+2154-like intermediate flare. Although other types of bright magnetar-like intermediate flares and short X-ray bursts would have been detectable from FRB 20200120E during our observations, we cannot entirely rule them out as a class. We show that FRB 20200120E is unlikely to be powered by an ultraluminous X-ray source or a young extragalactic pulsar embedded in a Crab-like nebula. We also provide new constraints on the compatibility of FRB 20200120E with accretion-based FRB models involving X-ray binaries. These results highlight the power of multiwavelength observations of nearby FRBs for discriminating between FRB models.

快速射电暴 (FRB) 的确切起源仍然未知。对附近 FRB 源的多波长观测可以为神秘的 FRB 现象提供重要的见解。在这里,我们展示了 FRB 20200120E 的敏感、宽带 X 射线和射电观测活动的结果,FRB 20200120E 是已知最近的银河系外重复 FRB 源(位于 3.63 Mpc 外的 ~10 Gyr 球状星团中)。我们对 FRB 20200120E 的持续和瞬时 X 射线发射进行了深入限制,我们用它来限制源的可能来源。我们将结果与各种类别的 X 射线源、瞬态和 FRB 模型进行了比较。我们发现 FRB 20200120E 不太可能与超亮 X 射线暴、磁星状巨大耀斑或类似 SGR 1935+2154 的中间耀斑有关。尽管在我们的观测中可以从 FRB 20200120E 检测到其他类型的明亮磁星状中间耀斑和短 X 射线暴,但我们不能完全排除它们作为一个类别。我们表明,FRB 20200120E 不太可能由超亮 X 射线源或嵌入蟹状星云中的年轻星系外脉冲星提供动力。我们还对 FRB 20200120E 与涉及 X 射线双元的基于吸积的 FRB 模型的兼容性提供了新的约束。这些结果突出了对附近 FRB 进行多波长观测以区分 FRB 模型的能力。