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Examining the Effects of Industry 4.0 Adoption, Information Acquisition Capability, and Organizational Ambidexterity on Innovation and Circular Economy Performance
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-25 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.4067
Saumyaranjan Sahoo, Ashwani Kumar, Sachin Kumar Mangla, Alessio Ishizaka

Regulatory authorities are putting a lot of pressure on manufacturers to devise strategies to boost their contribution to the circular economy. The limited comprehension surrounding the complex interplay that exists between the deployment of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) strategies, the capability to acquire information, and the ability to balance exploration and exploitation activities within an organization acts as a barrier for manufacturers to attain the optimal levels of organizational performance. As a result, the purpose of the current investigation is to investigate the strategic execution of I4.0 on manufacturers' information acquisition capability in order to foster the ambidexterity required to flourish in the innovation‐driven high‐performance ecosystem for attaining circular economy performance. In this study, data from a cross‐sectional survey that included responses from a sample of 238 Indian manufacturers were assessed using structural equation modeling. According to the results, I4.0 technologies assist organizations in strengthening their exploitative and explorative capabilities, allowing them to achieve success in innovation, which is directly related to their performance in circular economy activities. Unexpectedly, the association between an organization's information acquisition capability and its innovation performance is not substantial, but it is completely mediated by both exploitative and explorative capabilities, which are characterized as organizational ambidexterity.


研究工业 4.0 采用、信息获取能力和组织二元性对创新和循环经济绩效的影响

监管机构向制造商施加了很大压力,要求他们制定战略来增加他们对循环经济的贡献。围绕工业 4.0 (I4.0) 战略的部署、获取信息的能力以及平衡组织内勘探和开发活动的能力之间存在的复杂相互作用的理解有限,成为制造商达到最佳组织绩效水平的障碍。因此,当前调查的目的是调查 I4.0 对制造商信息获取能力的战略执行,以培养在创新驱动的高性能生态系统中蓬勃发展所需的双元性,以实现循环经济绩效。在这项研究中,使用结构方程模型评估了横断面调查的数据,其中包括来自 238 家印度制造商样本的回复。根据结果,I4.0 技术帮助组织加强其开发和探索能力,使他们能够在创新中取得成功,这与他们在循环经济活动中的表现直接相关。出乎意料的是,组织的信息获取能力与其创新绩效之间的关联并不重要,但它完全由开发和探索能力共同中介,这被描述为组织二元性。