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Paradigm changing metaverse: Future research directions in design, technology adoption and use, and impacts
Decision Support Systems ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2024.114307
Viswanath Venkatesh

Rooted in the paradigm changes that accompany the metaverse, this essay proposes research directions covering three major and interconnected aspects of the metaverse ecosystem. First, I propose five research directions connected to the design of technological solutions for the metaverse. Second, I propose five research directions tied to the study of the impact of the adoption and use of these developed technological solutions. Third, I propose the five research directions that relate to understanding the impacts of the so-developed and so-adopted technological solutions. Finally, I propose five overarching research directions that cut across the design-adoption-impacts framework. Taken together, these directions provide holistic guidance for the investigation of the metaverse ecosystem and its short-, medium-, and long-term implications for research.


