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S-packing colorings of distance graphs with distance sets of cardinality 2
Applied Mathematics and Computation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2024.129200
Boštjan Brešar, Jasmina Ferme, Přemysl Holub, Marko Jakovac, Petra Melicharová

For a non-decreasing sequence S=(s1,s2,) of positive integers, a partition of the vertex set of a graph G into subsets X1,,X, such that vertices in Xi are pairwise at distance greater than si for every i{1,,}, is called an S-packing -coloring of G. The minimum for which G admits an S-packing -coloring is called the S-packing chromatic number of G. In this paper, we consider S-packing colorings of the integer distance graphs with respect two positive integers k and t, which are the graphs whose vertex set is Z, and two vertices x,yZ are adjacent whenever |xy|{k,t}. We complement partial results from two earlier papers, thus determining all values of the S-packing chromatic numbers of these distance graphs for all sequence S such that si2 for all i. In particular, if S=(1,1,2,2,), then the S-packing chromatic number is 2 if k+t is even, and 4 otherwise, while if S=(1,2,2,), then the S-packing chromatic number is 5, unless {k,t}={2,3} when it is 6; when S=(2,2,2,), the corresponding formula is more complex.


距离基数集为 2 的距离图的 S 打包着色

对于正整数的非递减序列 S=(s1,s2,...),将图 G 的顶点集划分为子集 X1,...,Xl,使得 习 中的顶点在每个 i∈{1,...,l} 的距离大于 si 处成对,称为 G 的 S 打包 l 着色。G 接受 S 填充 l 着色的最小 l 称为 G 的 S 填充色数。在本文中,我们考虑了关于两个正整数 k 和 t 的整数距离图的 S 打包着色,这两个图的顶点集是 Z,并且每当 |x−y|∈{k,t} 时两个顶点 x,y∈Z 相邻。我们补充了前两篇论文的部分结果,从而确定了所有序列 S 的这些距离图的 S 打包色数的所有值,使得所有 i 的 si≤2。特别是,如果 S=(1,1,2,2,...),则 S 压缩色数如果 k+t 为偶数,则 S 压缩色数为 2,否则为 4,而如果 S=(1,2,2,...),则 S 压缩色数为 5,除非 {k,t}={2,3} 当它是 6 时;当 S=(2,2,2,...) 时,相应的公式更复杂。