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Effects of ambient temperature on mental and neurological conditions in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Environment International ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.109166
Garam Byun, Yongsoo Choi, Damien Foo, Rory Stewart, Yimeng Song, Ji-Young Son, Seulkee Heo, Xuejuan Ning, Cassandra Clark, Honghyok Kim, Hayon Michelle Choi, Sera Kim, Soo-Yeon Kim, Kate Burrows, Jong-Tae Lee, Nicole C. Deziel, Michelle L. Bell

Emerging research has suggested a link between ambient temperature and mental and neurological conditions such as depression and dementia. This systematic review aims to summarize the epidemiological evidence on the effects of ambient temperature on mental and neurological conditions in older adults, who may be more vulnerable to temperature-related health effects compared to younger individuals.


