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The link between changing news use and trust: longitudinal analysis of 46 countries
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-22 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqae044
Richard Fletcher, Simge Andı, Sumitra Badrinathan, Kirsten A Eddy, Antonis Kalogeropoulos, Camila Mont'Alverne, Craig T Robertson, Amy Ross Arguedas, Anne Schulz, Benjamin Toff, Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

Changing levels of public trust in the news are of deep concern to both researchers and practitioners. We use data from 2015 to 2023 in 46 countries to explore how trust in news has changed, while also exploring the links with sociodemographic variables, differences by media system, and changing patterns of news use. We find that (a) there has been a small overall decline in trust in news since 2015, but also that (b) there are different trends in different countries. More specifically, trust has declined more in media environments that have become less structured by television news use, and increasingly structured by social media news use. Our findings underscore how changing structures of media use may be central to explaining trust dynamics in recent years, which suggests new avenues for restoring trust where it has eroded.


不断变化的新闻使用与信任之间的联系:对 46 个国家的纵向分析

公众对新闻信任度的变化是研究人员和从业者都深感担忧的问题。我们使用 46 个国家/地区 2015 年至 2023 年的数据来探索对新闻的信任是如何变化的,同时也探讨了与社会人口统计变量的联系、媒体系统的差异以及不断变化的新闻使用模式。我们发现 (a) 自 2015 年以来,人们对新闻的信任度总体上略有下降,但 (b) 不同国家的趋势也不同。更具体地说,在媒体环境中,信任度下降得更多,这些环境因电视新闻的使用而变得不那么结构化,而社交媒体新闻的使用则越来越多地结构化。我们的研究结果强调了媒体使用结构的变化如何成为解释近年来信任动态的核心,这为在信任被侵蚀的地方恢复信任提出了新的途径。