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Pointing out learning opportunities reduces overparenting
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-22 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14198
Reut Shachnai, Mika Asaba, Lingyan Hu, Julia A. Leonard

Overparenting—taking over and completing developmentally appropriate tasks for children—is pervasive and hurts children's motivation. Can overparenting in early childhood be reduced by simply framing tasks as learning opportunities? In Study 1 (N = 77; 62% female; 74% White; collected 4/2022), US parents of 4‐to‐5‐year‐olds reported taking over less on tasks they perceived as greater learning opportunities, which was most often the case on academic tasks. Studies 2 and 3 (N = 140; 67% female; 52% White; collected 7/2022–9/2023) showed that framing the everyday, non‐academic task of getting dressed as a learning opportunity—whether big or small—reduced parents' taking over by nearly half (r = −.39). These findings suggest that highlighting learning opportunities helps parents give children more autonomy.



过度养育——接管并完成适合儿童发展的任务——普遍存在,会损害孩子的积极性。可以通过简单地将任务视为学习机会来减少幼儿期的过度养育吗?在研究 1(N = 77;62% 女性;74% 白人;2022 年 4 月收集)中,4 至 5 岁儿童的美国父母报告说,他们较少承担他们认为有更多学习机会的任务,这在学术任务中最常见。研究 2 和 3(N = 140;67% 女性;52% 白人;2022 年 7 月至 2023 年 9 月收集)表明,将日常的非学术任务(无论大小)作为学习机会,将父母的接管减少了近一半 (r = −.39)。这些发现表明,强调学习机会有助于父母给孩子更多的自主权。