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Automated physics-based modeling of construction equipment through data fusion
Automation in Construction ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105880
Liqun Xu, Dharmaraj Veeramani, Zhenhua Zhu

Physics-based simulations are essential for designing autonomous construction equipment, but preparing models is time-consuming, requiring the integration of mechanical and geometric data. Current automatic modeling methods for modular robots are inadequate for construction equipment. This paper explores automating the modeling process by integrating mechanical data into 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models. A template library is developed with hierarchy and joint templates specific for equipment. During model generation, appropriate templates are selected based on the equipment type. Unspecified joint template data is extracted from technical specifications using a large language model (LLM). The 3D CAD model is then converted into a Universal Scene Description (USD) model. Users can adjust the part names and hierarchy within the USD model to align with the hierarchy template, and joint data is automatically integrated, resulting in a simulation-ready model. This method reduces modeling time by over 87 % compared to manual methods, while maintaining accuracy.



基于物理的仿真对于设计自主建筑设备至关重要,但准备模型非常耗时,需要集成机械和几何数据。目前模块化机器人的自动建模方法不适用于建筑设备。本文探讨了通过将机械数据集成到 3D 计算机辅助设计 (CAD) 模型中来自动化建模过程。模板库是使用特定于设备的层次结构和关节模板开发的。在模型生成过程中,将根据设备类型选择合适的模板。使用大型语言模型 (LLM。然后将 3D CAD 模型转换为通用场景描述 (USD) 模型。用户可以调整 USD 模型中的零件名称和层次结构,使其与层次结构模板保持一致,并且接头数据会自动集成,从而生成可用于仿真的模型。与手动方法相比,这种方法将建模时间缩短了 87% 以上,同时保持了准确性。