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Impacts of paternal transmission of PCBs and global warming on the evolution of pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) during the early life stages of a cold stenothermic fish (Arctic charr)
Aquatic Toxicology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2024.107130
Emilie Réalis-Doyelle, Jean Guillard, Romane Morati, Nathalie Cottin, Stéphane Reynaud, Emmanuel Naffrechoux

In the context of strong historical and climate anthropological pressure, we studied the impact of paternal transmission of PCBs on offspring of the stenothermic salmonid, Artic charr. Indeed, the transgenerational effects of maternal transmission are widely studied, unlike the paternal effect, which is often limited to epigenetic impacts. The study aims to test the effects of temperature and PCBs on the Artic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), whose population within the perialpine lakes has remained low for about a decade. A previous study (Realis-Doyelle et al., 2023) on the effect of maternal transmission of PCB, coupled with an increase in temperature, showed a collapse in offspring survival as well as morpho-anatomic disorders in Salvelinus alpinus. This study follows on from the previous one, we contaminated 21 males with intra-peritoneal PCB injection at three levels of concentration one month before spawning. Each male fertilised a pool of 12 female oocytes not contaminated with PCBs. Each fertilized pond was separated in two and incubated at 4.5°C and 8.5°C, respectively. To explore the effects, we have relied on the POLS theories that suggest a co-variation of traits of life. The results show no population collapse (∼50 % survival), in contrast to the maternal contamination study (∼12 % survival). We may issue the hypothesis that this smaller importance of paternal transmission is due to the synergic impact of PCB and temperature on fewer parameters, in particular for survival than female transmission.


PCB 的父系传播和全球变暖对冷放温鱼 (Arctic charr) 生命早期生命速度综合征 (POLS) 进化的影响

在强大的历史和气候人类学压力的背景下,我们研究了 PCB 的父系传播对窄热鲑鱼 Artic charr 后代的影响。事实上,母系传播的跨代效应被广泛研究,这与父系效应不同,父系效应通常仅限于表观遗传影响。该研究旨在测试温度和多氯联苯对北极红点鲑 (Salvelinus alpinus) 的影响,该物种在高山周围湖泊中的种群数量已经保持了大约十年的低水平。之前的一项研究(Realis-Doyelle et al., 2023)关于多氯联苯母体传播的影响,加上温度的升高,显示高山 Salvelinus 的后代存活率下降以及形态解剖学疾病。这项研究是继上一项研究之后,我们在产卵前一个月用三个浓度水平的腹膜内 PCB 注射污染了 21 只雄性。每只雄性使 12 个未受 PCB 污染的雌性卵母细胞受精。将每个施肥池分成两个,分别在 4.5°C 和 8.5°C 下孵育。为了探索这些影响,我们依赖于 POLS 理论,该理论表明生命特征存在协变。结果显示,与母体污染研究(∼12% 存活率)相比,没有种群崩溃(∼50% 存活率)。我们可以提出这样一个假设,即父系传递的较小重要性是由于 PCB 和温度对较少参数的协同影响,特别是对存活率的影响比女性传播。