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Effects of contaminants and flooding on the physiology of harvested estuarine decapod crustaceans: A global review and meta-analysis
Environmental Pollution ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125347
Benjamin C.T. Gray, Curtis Champion, Matt K. Broadhurst, Melinda A. Coleman, Kirsten Benkendorff

Contaminants are transported into estuaries during rainfall events, impacting the physiology of harvested species, and thereby threatening fisheries sustainability. Decapods are among the most economically important groups harvested from estuaries, but are at high risk of contaminant exposure. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the physiological responses of harvested estuarine decapods to contaminants and flooding. A total of 138 research articles were identified, with global research efforts corresponding to the geographic distribution of crustacean harvesting. From these studies, 305 acute toxicity values for metals, polcyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticide chemical classes were extracted and 341 sublethal effect sizes (log-response ratios; LnRRs) calculated using 91 physiological measures across seven response categories. At sublethal environmentally relevant concentrations, exposure to various metals, pesticide chemical classes and PAHs consistently elicited negative effects on decapod physiology (LnRR range: −0.67 to −0.07). Key physiological processes impacted by contaminant exposure included nutritional condition, osmoregulation, oxidative stress defences, acetylcholinesterase activity, metabolism and growth (LnRR range: −0.73 to −0.10), with a general trend for greater effects later in ontogeny. With new agricultural and industrial chemicals continually being marketed, our meta-analysis highlights the need for regulatory testing on harvested species prior to registration for use in catchment areas. Under future climatic variability, harvested estuarine decapods may be increasingly exposed to contaminants, with implications for fisheries and global food security.



在降雨事件期间,污染物被输送到河口,影响收获物种的生理机能,从而威胁渔业的可持续性。十足类是从河口捕获的最具经济意义的类群之一,但接触污染物的风险很高。我们进行了一项系统评价和荟萃分析,评估了收获的河口十足类动物对污染物和洪水的生理反应。共确定了 138 篇研究文章,全球研究工作对应于甲壳类动物收获的地理分布。从这些研究中,提取了 305 个金属、多环芳烃 (PAH) 和农药化学类别的急性毒性值和 341 个亚致死效应大小(对数反应比;LnRRs) 使用 7 个反应类别的 91 个生理指标计算。在亚致死环境相关浓度下,暴露于各种金属、农药化学类别和 PAH 始终对十足动物生理学产生负面影响(LnRR 范围:-0.67 至 -0.07)。受污染物暴露影响的关键生理过程包括营养状况、渗透调节、氧化应激防御、乙酰胆碱酯酶活性、代谢和生长(LnRR 范围:-0.73 至 -0.10),在个体发育后期影响更大。随着新的农业和工业化学品不断上市,我们的荟萃分析强调了在注册用于集水区之前需要对收获的物种进行监管测试。在未来气候变化的情况下,收获的河口十足动物可能会越来越多地暴露在污染物中,从而对渔业和全球粮食安全产生影响。