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Proteomic and metabolomic profiling of aged pork loin chops reveals molecular phenotypes linked to pork tenderness
Journal of Animal Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 , DOI: 10.1093/jas/skae355
Logan G Johnson, Chaoyu Zhai, Kenneth J Prusa, Mahesh N Nair, Jessica E Prenni, Jacqueline M Chaparro, Elisabeth Huff-Lonergan, Steven M Lonergan

The ability to predict fresh pork tenderness and quality is hindered by an incomplete understanding of molecular factors that influence these complex traits. It is hypothesized that a comprehensive description of the metabolomic and proteomic phenotypes associated with variation in pork tenderness and quality will enhance the understanding and inform the development of rapid and nondestructive methods to measure pork quality. The objective of this investigation was to examine the proteomic and metabolomic profiles of ~2-wk aged pork chops categorized across instrumental tenderness groups. One hundred pork loin chops from a larger sample (N = 120) were assigned to one of the four categories (n = 25) based on instrumental star probe value (Category A, x¯ =4.23 kg, 3.43–4.55 kg; Category B, x¯ =4.79 kg, 4.66–5.00 kg; Category C, x¯ =5.43 kg, 5.20–5.64 kg; and Category D, x¯ =6.21 kg, 5.70–7.41 kg). Soluble protein from ~2 wk aged pork loin was prepared using a low-ionic-strength buffer. Proteins were digested with trypsin, labeled with 11-plex isobaric tandem mass tag reagents, and identified and quantified using a Q-Exactive Mass Spectrometer. Metabolites were extracted in 80% methanol from lyophilized and homogenized tissue samples. Derivatized metabolites were identified and quantified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Between Categories A and D, 84 proteins and 22 metabolites were differentially abundant (adjusted P < 0.05). Fewer differences were detected in comparison between categories with less divergent tenderness measures. The molecular phenotype of the more tender (Category A) aged chops is consistent with a slower and less extended pH decline and markedly less abundance of glycolytic metabolites. The presence and greater abundance of proteins in the low-ionic-strength extract, including desmin, filamin C, calsequestrin, and fumarate hydratase, indicates a greater disruption of sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial membranes and the degradation and release of structural proteins from the continuous connections of myofibrils and the sarcolemma.



由于对影响这些复杂性状的分子因素的了解不完整,预测新鲜猪肉嫩度和质量的能力受到阻碍。据推测,对与猪肉嫩度和质量变化相关的代谢组学和蛋白质组学表型的全面描述将增强理解并为开发快速和无损的猪肉质量方法提供信息。本研究的目的是检查不同仪器压痛组分类的 ~2 周龄猪排的蛋白质组学和代谢组学特征。根据仪器星形探针值(类别 A,x ̄ =4.23 kg,3.43-4.55 kg;B 类,x ̄ =4.79 kg,4.66–5.00 kg;C 类,x ̄ =5.43 kg,5.20–5.64 kg;D 类,x ̄ =6.21 kg,5.70–7.41 kg)。使用低离子强度缓冲液制备来自 ~2 周龄猪里脊肉的可溶性蛋白。用胰蛋白酶消化蛋白质,用 11 重同量异位串联质谱标签试剂标记蛋白质,并使用 Q-Exactive 质谱仪进行鉴定和定量。用 80% 甲醇从冻干和匀浆的组织样品中提取代谢物。使用气相色谱-质谱法鉴定和定量衍生代谢物。在 A 类和 D 类之间,84 种蛋白质和 22 种代谢物差异丰度 (校正 P < 0.05)。在压痛测量差异较小的类别之间进行比较时,检测到的差异较小。更嫩(A 类)陈酿的排骨的分子表型与 pH 值下降缓慢且持续时间较慢且持续时间较慢以及糖酵解代谢物丰度明显较低一致。 低离子强度提取物中蛋白质的存在和丰度更高,包括结蛋白、细丝蛋白 C、钙螯合蛋白和富马酸盐水合酶,表明肌浆网和线粒体膜的破坏更大,以及肌原纤维和肌膜连续连接的结构蛋白的降解和释放。