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Effective Improvement of Thermodynamics and Kinetics of BiVO4 Photoanode via CuI for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation
Langmuir ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c03658
Yuan Guan, Zheng Shen, Xinyi Gu, Dayu Wu, Shaomang Wang, Zhongyu Li, Shicheng Yan, Zhigang Zou

The preparation of durable and efficient photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water oxidation is of great importance in promoting the development of green hydrogen production and artificial photosynthesis. Here, n-type BiVO4 was combined with p-type CuI to construct a CuI/BiVO4 (CIB-1) p–n heterojunction photoanode. The composite photoanode effectively overcame the drawbacks of BiVO4, such as low separation and injection efficiency of photogenerated electron–hole pairs. As a result, the CIB-1 had the highest photocurrent density of 1.98 mA cm–2, which was 2.5 times higher than pure BiVO4 with 0.79 mA cm–2 at 1.23 V (vs RHE) under AM 1.5G light irradiation. The CIB-1 had a lower Tafel slope of 23.2 mV decade–1 compared to 47.9 mV decade–1 for BiVO4, so the water oxidation kinetics was remarkably advanced over CuI/BiVO4. Based on DFT calculations, the OER overpotential of 0.480 V for CuI/BiVO4 was significantly lower than that of 1.546 V for BiVO4 due to the lower free energy from OH to oxygen over CuI/BiVO4 compared to BiVO4.


CuI 有效改善 BiVO4 光阳极的热力学和动力学,用于光电化学水氧化

制备耐用高效的光电化学水氧化光阳极,对促进绿色制氢和人工光合作用的发展具有重要意义。在这里,n 型 BiVO4 与 p 型 CuI 结合构建了 CuI/BiVO4 (CIB-1) p-n 异质结光阳极。复合光阳极有效克服了 BiVO4 的缺点,例如光生电子-空穴对的分离和注入效率低。因此,CIB-1 具有最高的光电流密度,为 1.98 mA cm–2,在 AM 1.5G 光照射下,纯 BiVO 4 在 1.23 V (vs RHE) 下为 0.79 mA cm–2,比纯 BiVO4 高 2.5 倍。CIB-1 的塔菲尔斜率较低,为 23.2 mV decade-1,而 BiVO4 为 47.9 mV decade-1,因此水氧化动力学明显优于 CuI/BiVO4。根据 DFT 计算,CuI/BiVO4 的 0.480 V OER 过电位明显低于 BiVO4 的 1.546 V,因为与 BiVO4 相比,CuI/BiVO4OH– 对氧的自由能较低。