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Confined synthesis and thermal conductivity of deuterated graphene nanoribbons
Carbon ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119841
Yingzhi Chen , Wendi Zhang , Kunpeng Tang , Kecheng Cao , Lei Shi , Guowei Yang

In contrast to gapless graphene, armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNRs) exhibit a width-dependent band gap. Theoretical calculations predicted that the thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) is significantly lower than that of graphene and can be customized through isotopic labeling. However, experimental validation of this phenomenon is still challenging. In this study, hydrogen-terminated 6-AGNRs and deuterated 6-AGNRs with varying deuteration ratios were synthesized inside single-walled carbon nanotubes. By applying Raman spectroscopy, the thermal conductivity of 6-AGNRs was determined to be approximately 1150 W m−1 K−1, which is only one third of graphene and is consistent to the theoretical prediction. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity of deuterated 6-AGNRs is reduced by more than 50 % compared to that of the 6-AGNRs, suggesting an effective route to modulate the thermal conductivity of GNRs, in addition to the width and edge structure of the GNRs.



与无间隙石墨烯相比,扶手椅石墨烯纳米带 (AGNR) 表现出与宽度相关的带隙。理论计算预测,石墨烯纳米带 (GNR) 的热导率明显低于石墨烯,并且可以通过同位素标记进行定制。然而,对这种现象的实验验证仍然具有挑战性。在这项研究中,在单壁碳纳米管内合成了具有不同氘化比的氢封端 6-AGNR 和氘化 6-AGNRs。通过应用拉曼光谱,确定 6-AGNR 的热导率约为 1150 W m-1 K-1,仅为石墨烯的三分之一,与理论预测一致。此外,与 6-AGNR 相比,氘代 6-AGNR 的热导率降低了 50% 以上,这表明除了 GNR 的宽度和边缘结构外,还存在调节 GNR 热导率的有效途径。