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Towards an open and integrated cyberinfrastructure for river morphology research in the big data era
Environmental Modelling & Software ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106240
Venkatesh Merwade, Ibrahim Demir, Marian Muste, Amanda L. Cox, J. Toby Minear, Yusuf Sermet, Sayan Dey, Chung-Yuan Liang

The objective of this paper is to present the initial illustration of a cyberinfrastructure named the RIver MORPHology Information System (RIMORPHIS) that addresses the current limitations related to river morphology data and tools. RIMORPHIS is supported by a data model for storing river morphology data. A new specification for data and semantics on river morphology datasets has been developed to support the web-based platform for discovering and visualization of river morphology data. Several geoprocessing tools are developed that enable scientific analysis and practical studies, including the coordinate transformation, cross-section generation and bathymetry mesh generation. Our vision for RIMORPHIS is to create a self-sustained community platform with tools to support scientific discoveries on river morphology and to enable multidisciplinary research for riverine environments. To accomplish this vision, we created a community to gather input and build partnerships. The RIMORPHIS cyberinfrastructure addresses the community needs related to data access, processing and visualization. The current implementation of RIMORPHIS is scalable for new data and tools.



本文的目的是介绍一个名为 RIver MORPHology Information System (RIMORPHIS) 的网络基础设施的初步说明,该系统解决了当前与河流形态数据和工具相关的限制。RIMORPHIS 由用于存储河流形态数据的数据模型提供支持。已经开发了河流形态数据集上的数据和语义的新规范,以支持基于 Web 的平台来发现和可视化河流形态数据。开发了多种地理处理工具,用于进行科学分析和实践研究,包括坐标变换、横截面生成和深海探测网格生成。我们对 RIMORPHIS 的愿景是创建一个自我维持的社区平台,其中包含支持河流形态科学发现的工具,并支持对河流环境的多学科研究。为了实现这一愿景,我们创建了一个社区来收集意见并建立合作伙伴关系。RIMORPHIS 网络基础设施满足了社区与数据访问、处理和可视化相关的需求。RIMORPHIS 的当前实现可针对新数据和工具进行扩展。