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Hybrid entrepreneurship in just transitions: Dealing with dilemmas facing ‘the other’
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2024.100924
Rick Colbourne, Lalarukh Ejaz, Vadim Grinevich, Saima Husain, D'Arcy O'Farrell

The aim of the paper is to investigate the role of hybrid entrepreneurship in developing justice and diversity responses to sustainability transitions that are complicated by contexts of ambiguous socio-technological shifts and manifested in material and ethical dilemmas for ‘the other’, i.e., those deemed different. Based on analysis of two original case studies featuring the other—the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation indigenous community in Canada and the Karachi Down Syndrome Program in Pakistan—we identify the conditions for engaging minority communities in strong collaborative and participatory cross-stakeholder processes to deal with dilemmas posed by sustainability transitions. We centre on issues of social inclusion and social equity. We illuminate how hybrid entrepreneurship practices enable, structure and manage collective learning within and outside hybrid ventures to facilitate equitable transitions. Finally, we propose how to co-create actions that amplify marginalized voices to influence institutions.



本文的目的是研究混合创业在制定正义和多样性应对可持续性转型方面的作用,这些转型因模棱两可的社会技术转变而变得复杂,并表现为“他者”的物质和道德困境,即那些被认为不同的人。基于对另一个——加拿大的 Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation 土著社区和巴基斯坦的卡拉奇唐氏综合症计划——的两个原始案例研究的分析,我们确定了让少数族裔社区参与强有力的协作和参与性跨利益相关者流程的条件,以应对可持续发展转型带来的困境。我们以社会包容和社会公平问题为中心。我们阐明了混合创业实践如何在混合企业内外实现、构建和管理集体学习,以促进公平过渡。最后,我们提出了如何共同创造行动,放大边缘化的声音以影响机构。