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Spatial adaptation in children with autism - A study based on behavioural dynamic video data
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.111228 Xiaoyi Shen, Yue Wu, Fangfang Liu, Jian Kang
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.111228 Xiaoyi Shen, Yue Wu, Fangfang Liu, Jian Kang
Children with autism show unique behavioural patterns and sensitivity to spatial elements; therefore, size and furniture arrangement at rehabilitation facilities can affect behaviour. In this study, spatial adaptation during three situations (learning, playing with toys, and finding objects) was evaluated for different spatial sizes in children with autism using video data. In particular, 330 videos of training sessions involving 15 boys with autism aged 4–6 years in spaces classified as training space (large, medium, and small) and immediate surroundings (activity areas and hallways) were evaluated. Skeletal data were acquired using AI motion capture technology and transformed into movement volume and positions using Grasshopper. Differences between children with autism in normal and aggressive states in different spaces were analyzed. The movement of volume increased in all space sizes during the aggressive state, especially in large spaces. In large spaces, the movement volume during learning was significantly larger, but object-seeking was significantly smaller in the aggressive state than in the normal state. In the immediate surrounding, the volume of movement varied significantly across behavioural states. Additionally, compared with the normal state, the movement location of children with autism in the aggressive state were more dispersed. The movement of location for learning, activity area and hallway were closer to the wall. Playing with toys and finding objects overlapped more with the furniture. This study provides a basis for the spatial adaptation of intervention services for children with autism and a reference for comparisons with current design standards.
自闭症儿童的空间适应 - 基于行为动态视频数据的研究
自闭症儿童表现出独特的行为模式和对空间元素的敏感性;因此,康复机构的大小和家具布置会影响行为。在这项研究中,使用视频数据评估了自闭症儿童在三种情况(学习、玩玩具和寻找物体)下的不同空间大小的空间适应能力。特别是,评估了 330 个培训课程视频,涉及 15 名 4-6 岁的自闭症男孩,这些视频被归类为训练空间(大、中和小)和周围环境(活动区域和走廊)的空间。使用 AI 动作捕捉技术获取骨骼数据,并使用 Grasshopper 将其转换为运动体积和位置。分析了不同空间正常和攻击性状态的自闭症儿童之间的差异。在侵略性状态下,所有空间大小的体积移动都会增加,尤其是在大空间中。在大空间中,学习过程中的运动量明显较大,但在攻击性状态下,寻标明显小于正常状态。在紧邻环境中,不同行为状态的运动量差异很大。此外,与正常状态相比,处于攻击性状态的孤独症儿童的运动位置更加分散。学习地点、活动区和走廊的移动更靠近墙壁。玩玩具和寻找与家具重叠的物体更多。本研究为孤独症儿童干预服务的空间适应提供了依据,并为与现行设计标准进行比较提供了参考。

自闭症儿童的空间适应 - 基于行为动态视频数据的研究
自闭症儿童表现出独特的行为模式和对空间元素的敏感性;因此,康复机构的大小和家具布置会影响行为。在这项研究中,使用视频数据评估了自闭症儿童在三种情况(学习、玩玩具和寻找物体)下的不同空间大小的空间适应能力。特别是,评估了 330 个培训课程视频,涉及 15 名 4-6 岁的自闭症男孩,这些视频被归类为训练空间(大、中和小)和周围环境(活动区域和走廊)的空间。使用 AI 动作捕捉技术获取骨骼数据,并使用 Grasshopper 将其转换为运动体积和位置。分析了不同空间正常和攻击性状态的自闭症儿童之间的差异。在侵略性状态下,所有空间大小的体积移动都会增加,尤其是在大空间中。在大空间中,学习过程中的运动量明显较大,但在攻击性状态下,寻标明显小于正常状态。在紧邻环境中,不同行为状态的运动量差异很大。此外,与正常状态相比,处于攻击性状态的孤独症儿童的运动位置更加分散。学习地点、活动区和走廊的移动更靠近墙壁。玩玩具和寻找与家具重叠的物体更多。本研究为孤独症儿童干预服务的空间适应提供了依据,并为与现行设计标准进行比较提供了参考。