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Is financial inclusion a source of happiness?
International Review of Financial Analysis ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2024.103717
Axelle Heyert, Laurent Weill

This paper investigates whether financial inclusion affects life satisfaction. We perform regressions at the individual level on a large dataset of 59,209 individuals from 29 countries. We find evidence that financial inclusion improves life satisfaction. We further establish that the beneficial effect of financial inclusion takes place through a better health, education and to a lesser extent through the launch of a business. We observe that the positive impact of financial inclusion on life satisfaction is greater in countries with higher income per capita, and lower in countries recently struck by a financial crisis. Our results indicate that promoting financial inclusion can enhance happiness.



本文调查了金融包容性是否会影响生活满意度。我们在来自 59,209 个国家/地区的 29 人的大型数据集上进行个体层面的回归。我们发现证据表明,普惠金融可以提高生活满意度。我们进一步确定,普惠金融的有益效果是通过更好的健康、教育来实现的,在较小程度上是通过开展业务来实现的。我们观察到,普惠金融对生活满意度的积极影响在人均收入较高的国家较大,而在最近遭受金融危机打击的国家则较低。我们的结果表明,促进普惠金融可以提高幸福感。