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New orientation of Interdisciplinarity in medicine: Engineering Medicine
Engineering ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.09.009
Jinhui Wu, Ning Gu

The trajectory of human history is characterized by a persistent battle against disease. Over time, the field of medicine has transitioned from enigmatic witch doctors and herbal remedies to a sophisticated realm of contemporary medicine that includes fundamental medical and health sciences, clinical medicine, and public health. Nevertheless, the present phase of medical advancement encounters significant challenges, particularly in effectively translating basic research findings into practical applications in clinical and public health settings. Scientists increasingly collaborate with clinical experts to overcome these obstacles and address specific clinical issues by delving deeper into fundamental mechanisms. This collaborative effort has created a new interdisciplinary field: engineering medicine (EngMed), which focuses on addressing clinical and public health needs by integrating various scientific disciplines. This article discusses the definition, key tasks, significance, educational implications, and future trends in EngMed.



人类历史轨迹的特点是与疾病进行持久的斗争。随着时间的推移,医学领域已经从神秘的巫医和草药过渡到包括基础医学和健康科学、临床医学和公共卫生在内的复杂现代医学领域。然而,当前医学进步阶段遇到了重大挑战,尤其是在将基础研究结果有效地转化为临床和公共卫生环境中的实际应用方面。科学家越来越多地与临床专家合作,通过深入研究基本机制来克服这些障碍并解决特定的临床问题。这种合作努力创造了一个新的跨学科领域:工程医学 (EngMed),该领域专注于通过整合各种科学学科来解决临床和公共卫生需求。本文讨论了 EngMed 的定义、关键任务、意义、教育意义和未来趋势。