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Charged Nariai black holes on the dark bubble
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad8f8d
Ulf Danielsson, Vincent Van Hemelryck

In this paper, we realise the charged Nariai black hole on a braneworld from a nucleated bubble in AdS5, known as the dark bubble model. Geometrically, the black hole takes the form of a cylindrical spacetime pulling on the dark bubble. This is realised by a brane embedding in an AdS5 black string background. Identifying the brane with a D3-brane in string theory allows us to determine a relation between the fine structure constant and the string coupling, αEM=32gs, which was previously obtained for a microscopic black hole. We also speculate on the consequences for the Festina Lente bound and neutrino masses.


带电的 Nariai 黑洞在黑暗气泡上

在本文中,我们从 AdS5 中的有核气泡中实现了 braneworld 上带电的 Nariai 黑洞,称为暗气泡模型。从几何学上讲,黑洞呈现出圆柱形时空拉扯暗气泡的形式。这是通过在 AdS5 黑弦背景中嵌入 brane 来实现的。在弦理论中用 D3-brane 识别 brane 使我们能够确定精细结构常数与弦耦合 αEM=32gs 之间的关系,这是以前为微观黑洞获得的。我们还推测了对 Festina Lente 束缚和中微子质量的影响。