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Eliminating blowing-ups and evanescent waves when using the finite series technique in evaluating beam shape coefficients for some T-matrix approaches, with the example of Gaussian beams
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109212
Gérard Gouesbet, Jianqi Shen, Leonardo André Ambrosio

When evaluating beam shape coefficients which encode the description of laser beams, for use in some T-matrix approaches such as generalized Lorenz-Mie theory or Extended Boundary Condition Method for structured beams, by using finite series, blowing-ups are observed. When numerical inaccuracies are ruled out, it has been firmly demonstrated that such blowing-ups correspond to genuine physical phenomena, namely they describe evanescent waves. We propose a method to eliminate these blowing-ups and the corresponding evanescent waves (at least most of them).


使用有限级数技术评估某些 T 矩阵方法的波束形状系数时,以高斯波束为例,消除了爆炸和倏逝波

当评估编码激光束描述的光束形状系数时,对于某些 T 矩阵方法,例如广义 Lorenz-Mie 理论或结构光束的扩展边界条件方法,通过使用有限级数,可以观察到爆炸。当排除数值的不准确性时,已经有力地证明了这种爆炸对应于真正的物理现象,即它们描述了消逝的波。我们提出了一种方法来消除这些爆炸和相应的消逝波(至少是大多数)。