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Absence of dead-core formations in chemotaxis systems with degenerate diffusion
Applied Mathematics Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2024.109361
Tobias Black

In this paper we consider a chemotaxis system with signal consumption and degenerate diffusion of the form ut=(D(u)uuS(u)v)+f(u,v),vt=Δvuv,in a bounded domain ΩRN with smooth boundary subjected to no-flux and homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Herein, the diffusion coefficient DC0([0,))C2((0,)) is assumed to satisfy D(0)=0, D(s)>0 on (0,), D(s)0 on (0,) and that there are s0>0, p>1 and CD>0 such that sD(s)CDD(s)andCDsp1D(s)fors[0,s0].The sensitivity function SC2([0,)) and the source term fC1([0,)×[0,)) are supposed to be nonnegative.



在本文中,我们考虑了一个趋化系统,其信号消耗和简并扩散形式为 ut=∇⋅(D(u)∇u−uS(u)∇v)+f(u,v),vt=Δv−uv,在无通量和均匀诺依曼边界条件下具有光滑边界的有界域 Ω⊂RN。本文假设扩散系数 D∈C0([0,∞))∩C2((0,∞)) 满足 D(0)=0、D(s)>0 在 (0,∞)、D′(s)≥0 在 (0,∞) 并且存在 s0>0、p>1 和 CD>0,使得 sD′(s)≤CDD(s)和 CDsp−1≤D(s)fors∈[0,s0]。敏感度函数 S∈C2([0,∞)) 和源项 f∈C1([0,∞)×[0,∞)) 应该是非负的。