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Baryon violating first order phase transitions and gravitational waves
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.139104
Andrea Addazi

We propose a scenario in which the matter-antimatter asymmetry arises following the post-electroweak spontaneous breaking of baryon (B) number symmetry. This B-symmetry undergoes a first-order phase transition, which can be sufficiently violent to generate gravitational waves across a broad parameter space. Specifically, we explore a concrete realization of this mechanism that induces a Majorana mass for the neutron, rather than the neutrino. We demonstrate that this model exhibits rich phenomenology, including the generation of gravitational waves from baryon first-order phase transitions (B-FOPTs) and implications for neutron-antineutron oscillations.



我们提出了一种情景,其中物质-反物质不对称性是在重子 (B) 数对称性后电弱自发打破后出现的。这种 B 对称性经历了一阶相变,其强度足以在广泛的参数空间中产生引力波。具体来说,我们探索了这种机制的具体实现,该机制为中子而不是中微子感应出马约拉纳质量。我们证明该模型展示了丰富的现象学,包括重子一级相变 (B-FOPTs) 产生的引力波以及对中子-反中子振荡的影响。