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Cross-sections for formation of 73Ga through natGe(n, x)73Ga reaction induced by d-T neutrons
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112384
Junhua Luo, Long He, Liang Zhou, Li Jiang

The formation of 73Ga through natGe(n,x)73Ga reaction induced by d-T neutrons was investigated using cross-sections measured by four characteristic gamma-rays employing the weighted average method. The neutron energy and uncertainty were determined by the Q equation of reaction 3H(d,n)4He combined with the solid angle of the sample. The gamma spectrum of the activated sample was obtained by an off-line technique using a high-resolution, high-purity germanium detector (HPGe). The contribution of nuclear reactions 76Ge(n,α)73Zn, 73Ge(n,p)73Ga, and 74Ge(n,d∗)73Ga to residual nuclei 73Ga was analyzed and the cross-sections of reaction 73Ge(n,p)73Ga were determined with a small uncertainty. The TALYS-1.96 package was utilized for performing the theoretical calculation of the cross section of 76Ge(n,α)73Zn, 73Ge(n,p)73Ga, and 74Ge(n,d∗)73Ga reactions. The results of the theoretical calculation of nuclear reaction 73Ge(n,p)73Ga were compared with the experimental measurements and the evaluation results provided by the database.


通过 d-T 中子诱导的 natGe(n, x)73Ga 反应形成 73Ga 的截面

使用采用加权平均法的四个特征伽马射线测量的横截面,研究了通过 d-T 中子诱导的 natGe(n,x)73Ga 反应形成 73Ga。中子能和不确定度由反应 3H(d,n)4He 的 Q 方程结合样品的立体角确定。活化样品的 γ 光谱是使用高分辨率、高纯度锗检测器 (HPGe) 通过离线技术获得的。分析了核反应 76Ge(n,α)73Zn、73Ge(n,p)73Ga 和 74Ge(n,d∗)73Ga 对残余原子核 73Ga 的贡献,并确定了反应 73Ge(n,p)73Ga 的截面,具有较小的不确定性。TALYS-1.96 软件包用于对 76Ge(n,α)73Zn、73Ge(n,p)73Ga 和 74Ge(n,d∗)73Ga 反应的截面进行理论计算。将核反应 73Ge(n,p)73Ga 的理论计算结果与实验测量和数据库提供的评价结果进行了比较。