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Glia-like taste cells mediate an intercellular mode of peripheral sweet adaptation
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.10.041 Gha Yeon Park, Geehyun Lee, Jongmin Yoon, Jisoo Han, Pyonggang Choi, Minjae Kim, Sungho Lee, Chaeri Park, Zhaofa Wu, Yulong Li, Myunghwan Choi
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.10.041 Gha Yeon Park, Geehyun Lee, Jongmin Yoon, Jisoo Han, Pyonggang Choi, Minjae Kim, Sungho Lee, Chaeri Park, Zhaofa Wu, Yulong Li, Myunghwan Choi
The sense of taste generally shows diminishing sensitivity to prolonged sweet stimuli, referred to as sweet adaptation. Yet, its mechanistic landscape remains incomplete. Here, we report that glia-like type I cells provide a distinct mode of sweet adaptation via intercellular crosstalk with chemosensory type II cells. Using the microfluidic-based intravital tongue imaging system, we found that sweet adaptation is facilitated along the synaptic transduction from type II cells to gustatory afferent nerves, while type I cells display temporally delayed and prolonged activities. We identified that type I cells receive purinergic input from adjacent type II cells via P2RY2 and provide inhibitory feedback to the synaptic transduction of sweet taste. Aligning with our cellular-level findings, purinergic activation of type I cells attenuated sweet licking behavior, and P2RY2 knockout mice showed decelerated adaptation behavior. Our study highlights a veiled intercellular mode of sweet adaptation, potentially contributing to the efficient encoding of prolonged sweetness.
味觉通常表现出对长时间甜味刺激的敏感性降低,称为甜味适应。然而,它的机械景观仍然不完整。在这里,我们报道了神经胶质样 I 型细胞通过与化疗感应 II 型细胞的细胞间串扰提供了一种独特的甜味适应模式。使用基于微流控的活体舌成像系统,我们发现从 II 型细胞到味觉传入神经的突触转导促进了甜味适应,而 I 型细胞则表现出暂时延迟和延长的活动。我们发现 I 型细胞通过 P2RY2 接收来自相邻 II 型细胞的嘌呤能输入,并为甜味的突触转导提供抑制反馈。与我们的细胞水平研究结果一致,I 型细胞的嘌呤能激活减弱了甜美的舔舐行为,P2RY2 敲除小鼠表现出减速的适应行为。我们的研究强调了一种隐蔽的甜味适应细胞间模式,可能有助于延长甜味的有效编码。
味觉通常表现出对长时间甜味刺激的敏感性降低,称为甜味适应。然而,它的机械景观仍然不完整。在这里,我们报道了神经胶质样 I 型细胞通过与化疗感应 II 型细胞的细胞间串扰提供了一种独特的甜味适应模式。使用基于微流控的活体舌成像系统,我们发现从 II 型细胞到味觉传入神经的突触转导促进了甜味适应,而 I 型细胞则表现出暂时延迟和延长的活动。我们发现 I 型细胞通过 P2RY2 接收来自相邻 II 型细胞的嘌呤能输入,并为甜味的突触转导提供抑制反馈。与我们的细胞水平研究结果一致,I 型细胞的嘌呤能激活减弱了甜美的舔舐行为,P2RY2 敲除小鼠表现出减速的适应行为。我们的研究强调了一种隐蔽的甜味适应细胞间模式,可能有助于延长甜味的有效编码。