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A Conservation of Resources theory-based framework for studying the commute experience
Transportation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s11116-024-10543-z
Vivien K. G. Lim, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Thompson S. H. Teo

Commuting research often assumes that commuting is a daily grind that elicits stress and strain for travelers. Some scholars have identified evidence that supports the benefits of commuting, but research into this aspect is still relatively limited and does not make a strong connection with the body of works that view commuting as a stressor. This paper offers a more nuanced understanding of commuting by integrating these seemingly separate schools of thought. Drawing from the theoretical lens provided by the Conservation of Resources (COR) theory and research on rest and recovery, we develop and present the Pre-commute/In-commute/Post-commute (PIP) model of commuting, with six propositions. This model views each commute as unique and dynamically shaped by circumstances that occur both before and during the commute. Consequently, the events and experiences that take place after the commute are affected, influencing commuters’ state before their next commute, as well as having an enduring impact on individuals’ health and work-related outcomes. The PIP model also provides a fuller consideration of how individuals can shape the commuting experience through the In-Commute Activities (ICAs) they choose to do. Implications for research and practice are discussed.



通勤研究通常假设通勤是一项日常工作,会给旅行者带来压力和紧张。一些学者已经确定了支持通勤好处的证据,但对这方面的研究仍然相对有限,并且与将通勤视为压力源的作品没有建立牢固的联系。本文通过整合这些看似独立的思想流派,对通勤提供了更细致的理解。借鉴资源保护 (COR) 理论提供的理论视角和对休息和恢复的研究,我们开发并提出了通勤前/通勤中/通勤后 (PIP) 通勤模型,包含六个命题。该模型将每次通勤都视为独一无二的,并且受通勤前和通勤期间发生的情况动态影响。因此,通勤后发生的事件和经历会受到影响,影响通勤者在下次通勤前的状态,并对个人的健康和工作相关结果产生持久影响。PIP 模型还更全面地考虑了个人如何通过他们选择进行的通勤活动 (ICA) 来塑造通勤体验。讨论了对研究和实践的影响。
