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Ferroelectric, Switchable Dielectric and Nonlinear Optical Properties in Inorganic–Organic Lead-Free 1D Hybrids Based on Bi(III) and Azetidine: (C3NH8)2[BiCl5], (C3NH8)2[BiBr5]
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-15 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02695
Magdalena Rok, Bartosz Zarychta, Jan K. Zaręba, Aleksandra Krupińska, Błażej Dziuk, Piotr Durlak, Rafał Janicki, Ryszard Jakubas, Grażyna Bator, Wojciech Medycki, Michaela Zamponi, Anna Piecha-Bisiorek

This study investigates lead-free organic–inorganic hybrids (C3NH8)2[BiCl5] (ABC) and (C3NH8)2[BiBr5] (ABB), focusing on their structural, dielectric, ferroelectric, and optical properties. Both compounds exhibit paraelectric (I) to ferroelectric (II) phase transitions (PTs) at 230/233 K and 228/229 K, respectively, transitioning from orthorhombic (Pnma) to monoclinic (P21) phases, with distorted [BiX6]3– octahedra forming 1D chains. Quasielastic neutron scattering and solid-state 1H NMR studies reveal the localized motion of azetidinium cations. Dielectric measurements of ABC and ABB show step-like permittivity changes by 11–12 units post-transition III, demonstrating reversible switching behavior. Absorption studies reveal band gaps of 3.24 eV for ABC and 2.76 eV for ABB, classifying them as insulators. Luminescence spectra at 77K display 578 nm (ABC) and 708 nm (ABB) emissions, attributed to 3P1,01S0 transitions. Both compounds demonstrate stable second harmonic generation (SHG) switching of the onoff type. The switching performance is evaluated over multiple thermal cycles using the treq metric, which decreases with increasing temperature change rate and indicates that ABB’s SHG switching is approximately 30% faster than that of ABC.


基于 Bi(III) 和氮杂化钠的无机-有机无铅 1D 杂化物中的铁电、可切换介电和非线性光学特性:(C3NH8)2[BiCl5]、(C3NH8)2[BiBr5]

本研究研究了无铅有机-无机杂化物 (C3NH82[BiCl5] (ABC) 和 (C3NH82[BiBr5] (ABB),重点关注它们的结构、电介质、铁电和光学特性。两种化合物分别在 230/233 K 和 228/229 K 时表现出顺电 (I) 到铁电 (II) 相变 (PT),从斜方 (Pnma) 过渡到单斜斜 (P21) 相,扭曲的 [BiX6]3– 八面体形成 1D 链。准弹性中子散射和固态 1H NMR 研究揭示了氮杂氮阳离子的局部运动。ABCABB 的介电测量显示,在过渡 III 后,阶梯状介电常数变化了 11-12 个单位,展示了可逆的开关行为。吸收研究表明,ABC 的带隙为 3.24 eV,ABB 的带隙为 2.76 eV,因此它们被归类为绝缘体。77K 的发光光谱显示 578 nm (ABC) 和 708 nm (ABB) 发射,归因于 3个 P1.01S0 跃迁。两种化合物都表现出稳定的-型二次谐波发生 (SHG) 切换。使用 treq 指标在多个热循环中评估开关性能,该指标随着温度变化率的增加而降低,表明 ABB 的 SHG 开关比 ABC 快约 30%。