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Do many hands make light work? The role of romantic partners and close relationships in posttraumatic growth.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-01 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001331
Mariah F Purol,William J Chopik

Our relationships are an important resource for health and well-being in times of need, often buffering the negative effects of stressful situations. Recent research has expanded on these buffering effects, exploring the role of close others in the experience of posttraumatic growth (PTG), or positive personality change that occurs after someone has experienced trauma. In the current review, we examine how much of a role partners play in PTG for individuals, summarizing the existing evidence suggesting that partners can influence the experience of PTG. Additionally, we examine which partner traits or behaviors may facilitate this growth for individuals, discussing relationship-relevant mechanisms, facilitators, and suppressors of PTG. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we also discuss the quality of existing evidence for the influence of social relationships on PTG, how can we improve the quality of future research, and what is needed for a comprehensive examination of partner-influenced PTG. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



我们的人际关系是在需要时健康和福祉的重要资源,通常可以缓冲压力情况的负面影响。最近的研究扩展了这些缓冲效应,探讨了亲密他人在创伤后成长 (PTG) 或经历创伤后发生的积极人格改变中的作用。在当前的综述中,我们研究了伴侣在 PTG 中对个体的作用,总结了表明伴侣可以影响 PTG 体验的现有证据。此外,我们研究了哪些伴侣特征或行为可能促进个体的这种成长,讨论了 PTG 的关系相关机制、促进因素和抑制因素。最后,也许也是最重要的,我们还讨论了社会关系对 PTG 影响的现有证据的质量,我们如何提高未来研究的质量,以及全面检查受伴侣影响的 PTG 需要什么。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。