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Integrating systems of power and privilege in the study of resilience.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-01 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001260
Kate C McLean,Jillian Fish,Leoandra Onnie Rogers,Moin Syed

Although current approaches to the study of resilience acknowledge the role of context, rarely do those conceptualizations attend to societal systems and structures that include hierarchies of power and privilege-namely systems of racism, colonialism, patriarchy, and capitalism-nor do they articulate how these structural realities are embedded within individual experiences. We offer critiques of the current literature from this structural lens, using the concept of master narratives to articulate the incomplete and, at times, damaging story that the discipline of psychology has told about resilience. We then provide three models that center history, systems, and structures of society that can be employed in the study of resilience. We close with lessons learned from listening to those voices who have been marginalized by mainstream society, lessons that require us to redefine, broaden, and deepen our conceptualization of resilience. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



尽管目前研究韧性的方法承认环境的作用,但这些概念化很少关注包括权力和特权等级制度的社会系统和结构——即种族主义、殖民主义、父权制和资本主义制度——也没有阐明这些结构性现实如何嵌入个人经验中。我们从这种结构性的角度对当前文献进行批评,使用主叙事的概念来阐明心理学学科所讲述的关于复原力的不完整且有时具有破坏性的故事。然后,我们提供了三个模型,这些模型以社会的历史、系统和社会结构为中心,可用于弹性研究。最后,我们从倾听那些被主流社会边缘化的声音中吸取了经验教训,这些经验教训要求我们重新定义、拓宽和深化我们对韧性的概念化。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。