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Results of the SHARP Study: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Repeated-Measures, Crossover, Phase IV Clinical Trial of the Effect of the Wake-Promoting Agent Solriamfetol on Cognitive Function in OSA With Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Cognitive Impairment
Chest ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2024.10.050 Hans P.A. Van Dongen PhD, Eileen B. Leary PhD RPSGT, Christopher Drake PhD, Richard Bogan MD FCCP, Judith Jaeger PhD MPA, Russell Rosenberg PhD, Caroline Streicher BA, Herriot Tabuteau MD
Chest ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2024.10.050 Hans P.A. Van Dongen PhD, Eileen B. Leary PhD RPSGT, Christopher Drake PhD, Richard Bogan MD FCCP, Judith Jaeger PhD MPA, Russell Rosenberg PhD, Caroline Streicher BA, Herriot Tabuteau MD
OSA causes episodes of fragmented sleep and intermittent hypoxia and leads to excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). Deficits in cognitive function are a troublesome symptom in patients with OSA and EDS.
SHARP 研究的结果:一项随机、安慰剂对照、双盲、重复测量、交叉、IV 期临床试验,研究唤醒促进剂 Solriamfetol 对白天过度嗜睡和认知障碍的 OSA 认知功能的影响
OSA 会导致碎片化睡眠和间歇性缺氧发作,并导致白天过度嗜睡 (EDS)。认知功能缺陷是 OSA 和 EDS 患者的一个麻烦症状。
SHARP 研究的结果:一项随机、安慰剂对照、双盲、重复测量、交叉、IV 期临床试验,研究唤醒促进剂 Solriamfetol 对白天过度嗜睡和认知障碍的 OSA 认知功能的影响
OSA 会导致碎片化睡眠和间歇性缺氧发作,并导致白天过度嗜睡 (EDS)。认知功能缺陷是 OSA 和 EDS 患者的一个麻烦症状。