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Enhancing healthcare professionals' biopsychosocial perspective to chronic pain: assessing the impact of implementing an interdisciplinary training program.
Pain ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-12 , DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003403
Wouter Munneke, Margot De Kooning, Jo Nijs, Carine Morin, Anne Berquin, Mira Meeus, Jan Hartvigsen, Christophe Demoulin

Advancements in clinical science have shown the necessity for a paradigm shift away from a biomedical toward a biopsychosocial approach. Yet, the translation from clinical science into clinical practice is challenging. The aim of this study was to assess the short-term and mid-term changes in pain knowledge and attitudes and guideline-adherent recommendations of healthcare professionals (HCP) by means of an interdisciplinary training program (ITP) about chronic pain. Belgian HCPs, with a priority for medical doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, psychologists, and pharmacists in primary care, participated in the ITP, which contained 2 e-learning modules and two 7-hour workshops provided in small interdisciplinary groups in 5 cities. The objective of ITP was to improve HCP's competencies for integrating biopsychosocial chronic pain management with a cognitive behavioral approach into clinical practice. Primary outcomes were changes in knowledge and attitudes about pain and guideline-adherent recommendations for continuation of physical activity, sports, and work; avoiding bed rest; and not supporting opioid usage measured through 2 clinical vignettes. They were measured before, immediately after, and 6 months after the ITP. Changes were analyzed using (generalized) linear mixed models. A total of 405 HCPs participated. The knowledge and attitudes about pain scores improved at post-training (Δ = 9.04, 95% confidence interval 7.72-10.36) and at 6-month follow-up (Δ = 7.16, 95% confidence interval 5.73-8.59). After the training program, HCPs provided significantly more recommendations in accordance with clinical guidelines. Thus, an ITP can improve the biopsychosocial perspective of chronic pain management among HCPs in the short-term and mid-term.



临床科学的进步表明,有必要从生物医学转向生物心理社会方法的范式。然而,从临床科学到临床实践的转化是具有挑战性的。本研究的目的是通过关于慢性疼痛的跨学科培训计划 (ITP) 评估医疗保健专业人员 (HCP) 的疼痛知识和态度以及指南遵守建议的短期和中期变化。比利时 HCP 以初级保健医生、物理治疗师、职业治疗师、护士、心理学家和药剂师为优先对象,参与了 ITP,其中包含 2 个电子学习模块和两个 7 小时的研讨会,在 5 个城市的小型跨学科小组中提供。ITP 的目标是提高 HCP 将生物心理社会慢性疼痛管理与认知行为方法整合到临床实践中的能力。主要结局是关于疼痛的知识和态度的变化,以及关于继续进行体育活动、运动和工作的指南遵循建议;避免卧床休息;并且不支持通过 2 个临床小插曲来衡量阿片类药物的使用。他们在 ITP 之前、之后和 6 个月后进行了测量。使用(广义)线性混合模型分析变化。共有 405 名 HCP 参与。关于疼痛评分的知识和态度在训练后 (Δ = 9.04,95% 置信区间 7.72-10.36) 和 6 个月随访 (Δ = 7.16,95% 置信区间 5.73-8.59) 有所改善。培训计划结束后,HCP 根据临床指南提供了更多建议。因此,ITP 可以在短期和中期改善 HCP 慢性疼痛管理的生物心理社会观点。