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Independence and Emancipation: Latin American Theorizations on the Concept of Autonomy
Latin American Perspectives ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-14 , DOI: 10.1177/0094582x241296816
Gustavo Moura de Oliveira, Massimo Modonesi

From the 1990’s to the present, Latin America has been, as no other region in the world, a laboratory of autonomies —explicit or implicitly framed as such— situated in the cycle of anti-neoliberal struggles. Faced with this historical-political context, in this text we re-examine the conceptualization and theorizations around the idea of autonomy. Based on a review of the major Latin American conceptual contributions, we have organized our reflections along five lines of theorization: autonomy understood as negation, as independence, as counter-power (and as popular power), as emancipation and as community.



从 1990 年代到现在,拉丁美洲与世界上任何其他地区不同,是一个位于反新自由主义斗争周期中的自治实验室——或明或暗地构建了自治实验室。面对这种历史政治背景,在本文中,我们重新审视了围绕自治概念的概念化和理论化。基于对拉丁美洲主要概念贡献的回顾,我们沿着五条理论化路线组织了我们的思考:自治被理解为否定、独立、反权力(和人民力量)、解放和社区。