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The spatiotemporal evolution of dry (wet), cold (hot) and rainstorm whiplash events and their socioeconomic exposure
Urban Climate ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102185
Changqing Meng, Zhihan Hu, Yue Li, Yuankun Wang, Yanke Zhang, Keying Liu

The phenomenon of weather whiplash refers to sudden shifts in extreme weather events, which can have profound impacts on local climate systems, posing significant challenges to human society and ecosystems. Previous studies on whiplash events have been limited to compound events involving high temperatures and drought, without considering compound events involving low temperatures and drought, as well as the impact of humidity on apparent temperature. Additionally, they have overlooked the possibility of multiple consecutive reversals in whiplash events. In order to more comprehensively describe the whiplash effects experienced in different regions, the concept of “Coextend Compound Whiplash Events” (CCWEs) is proposed, which is further divided into “Coextend Compound Whiplash Hot Event” (CCWHE) and “Coextend Compound Whiplash Cold Event” (CCWCE). This paper systematically analyzes the changing trends and characteristics of historical and future whiplash events in seven major climatic zones of China, discusses the dominant factors contributing to whiplash events, and quantifies the population and GDP exposure resulting from the increased risk of CCWEs in inland China.