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Personal Protective Equipment Use by Dairy Farmworkers Exposed to Cows Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses - Colorado, 2024.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-07 , DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7344a2
Kristen E Marshall,Cara C Drehoff,Nisha Alden,Sophia Montoya,Ginger Stringer,Allison Kohnen,Alexandra Mellis,Sascha Ellington,Jordan Singleton,Carrie Reed,Rachel Herlihy,

The risk for transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus from dairy cows to humans is currently low; however, personal protective equipment (PPE) use during work activities on dairy farms has not been well described. PPE use can protect farmworkers when they are working with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1)-infected cows. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) offered PPE to all Colorado farms before or during an A(H5N1) outbreak in cows in 2024. CDPHE surveyed 83 dairy workers from three farms with a confirmed bovine A(H5N1) outbreak. Frequently reported farm worker activities included milking cows or working in the milking parlor (51%), cleaning cow manure (49%), and transporting cows (46%). Frequently reported PPE items available to workers before A(H5N1) outbreaks included gloves (88%), eye protection (e.g., safety glasses or goggles) (76%), rubber boots or boot covers (71%), and head covers (69%). N95 respirator use was low among workers who were exposed to ill cows after detection of A(H5N1) virus (26%). PPE use while working with ill cows increased a mean of 28% after detection of A(H5N1) virus on surveyed farms; use of eye protection while milking cows increased the most (40%). Public health PPE distribution, education, and collaboration with CDA might have increased PPE use on dairy farms with A(H5N1) virus-infected cows and mitigated risk for farmworkers acquiring A(H5N1) virus.


暴露于感染高致病性甲型禽流感 (H5N1) 病毒的奶牛的奶牛场工人使用的个人防护设备 - 科罗拉多州,2024 年。

目前,高致病性甲型禽流感 (H5N1) 病毒从奶牛传播给人类的风险很低;然而,在奶牛场工作活动期间使用个人防护装备 (PPE) 的情况尚未得到很好的描述。当农场工人与感染高致病性甲型禽流感 (H5N1) 的奶牛一起工作时,使用 PPE 可以保护他们。科罗拉多州公共卫生与环境部 (CDPHE) 和科罗拉多州农业部 (CDA) 在 2024 年奶牛爆发甲型 H5N1 疫情之前或期间向科罗拉多州的所有农场提供了个人防护装备。CDPHE 调查了来自三个确诊爆发甲型 H5N1 疫情的农场的 83 名乳品工人。经常报告的农场工人活动包括挤奶或在挤奶厅工作 (51%)、清洁牛粪 (49%) 和运输奶牛 (46%)。在甲型H5N1疫情暴发之前,工人经常可获得的PPE物品包括手套(88%)、护目镜(如安全眼镜或护目镜)(76%)、橡胶靴或靴套(71%)和头套(69%)。在检测到甲型(H5N1)病毒后,接触病牛的工人中,N95 呼吸器的使用率较低 (26%)。在调查的农场检测到甲型(H5N1)病毒后,与患病奶牛一起工作时的个人防护装备使用量平均增加了 28%;挤奶时保护眼睛的使用增加最多(40%)。公共卫生 PPE 分发、教育以及与 CDA 的合作可能增加了 PPE 在感染甲型 H5N1 病毒的奶牛的奶牛场的使用,并降低了农场工人感染甲型 H5N1 病毒的风险。