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Assessment of scale-up designs for a diameter-transformed fluidized bed reactor with MP-PIC simulation
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120904
Yanyan Xie, Fei Li, Bona Lu, Youhao Xu, Wei Wang

Scale-up has always been the bottleneck to the development of new industrial processes. This study aims to assess the scale-up effects of a diameter-transformed fluidized bed (DTFB) reactor through three-dimensional, multi-phase particle-in-cell (MP-PIC) simulation with the Energy-Minimization Multi-Scale (EMMS) drag and solid stress model. Four 3.5 Mt/a DTFB reactors are designed by scaling up a 1.2 Mt/a one with different scale-up schemes and simulated after validation. It is found the Glicksman’s rule shows the most similarity in solid concentration distribution to the benchmark case while the FixedOperation rule under-predicts the solid concentration, meaning that only keeping constant Ug and Gs cannot guarantee the same distribution of solid concentration when scaling up the fast fluidized bed. In addition, all four scale-up designs ensure the same gas velocity, yet they exhibit varying solid velocities throughout the scale-up process. A more rational scale-up rule is required for the elaborate reactor scale-up.


使用 MP-PIC 模拟评估直径变换流化床反应器的放大设计

放大生产一直是新工业流程发展的瓶颈。本研究旨在通过三维、多相胞中颗粒 (MP-PIC) 模拟和能量最小化多尺度 (EMMS) 阻力和固体应力模型来评估直径变换流化床 (DTFB) 反应器的放大效应。通过放大一个具有不同的放大方案的 1.2 Mt/a 反应器来设计四个 3.5 Mt/a DTFB 反应器,并在验证后进行模拟。研究发现,Glicksman 规则与基准情况的固体浓度分布最相似,而 FixedOperation 规则低估了固体浓度,这意味着在扩大快速流化床时,仅保持恒定的 Ug 和 Gs 不能保证固体浓度分布相同。此外,所有四种放大设计都确保了相同的气体速度,但它们在整个放大过程中表现出不同的固体速度。精心设计的反应器放大需要一个更合理的放大规则。