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Efficient CO2 photoreduction using a water-soluble conjugated polyelectrolyte grafted imidazolium-functionalized side chain
Chemical Communications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-14 , DOI: 10.1039/d4cc04921g
Mantao Chen, Waner Li, Tingting Zhang, Tianjing Xu, Bo Wang, Chao Zeng, Fei Li, Chunhui Dai

Herein, we reported the development of a water-soluble conjugated polyelectrolyte (CPE) for efficient CO2 photoreduction under visible light (λ > 420 nm). Bearing a fluorene-benzothiadiazole backbone and imidazolium-functionalized side chains, PFBT-Im exhibits remarkable photocatalytic activity with nearly 100% selectivity and a CO yield of 453.16 μmol g−1 within 4 h, which is 8.6 and 2.5 times larger than those of conjugated polymers grafted with octyl and trimethylammonium side chains, respectively.


使用水溶性共轭聚电解质接枝咪唑官能化侧链进行高效的 CO2 光还原

在此,我们报道了一种水溶性共轭聚电解质 (CPE) 的开发,用于在可见光 (λ > 420 nm) 下有效减少 CO2 光。PFBT-Im 带有芴-苯并噻二唑骨架和咪唑官能化侧链,表现出显着的光催化活性,具有近 100% 的选择性,在 4 小时内 CO 产率为 453.16 μmol g-1,分别比接枝辛基和三甲基铵侧链的共轭聚合物大 8.6 和 2.5 倍。