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DFT-Guided Design of Dual Dopants in Anatase TiO2 for Boosted Sodium Storage
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c03525
Shuang Li, Xu Wen, Xin Miao, Rongyao Li, Wendi Wang, Xiaoyu Li, Ziyang Guo, Dongyuan Zhao, Kun Lan

Anatase titanium dioxide (TiO2) has drawn great attention as an anode material in sodium ion batteries (SIBs), but it suffers from the sluggish diffusion kinetics of Na+ within TiO2 and inferior electronic conductivity. Herein, under the guidance of density functional theory (DFT), we propose a nitrogen and selenium dual-doped TiO2 system as an advanced SIB anode. Both DFT and experimental investigations reveal the cooperative effect of dopants in boosting the electrochemical performance of TiO2, finding the optimal content ratio (N/Se at 1:3) for overall improved SIB performances. As expected, experimental results exhibit excellent sodium storage behavior of the N,Se-doped TiO2, including high discharge capacity (142 mAh g–1 at 2 A g–1), good rate performance (82 mAh g–1 at 20 A g–1), and ultralong cyclability (97% retention over 5000 cycles at 2 A g–1). Our study underscores the importance of dual-heteroatom doping in the rational design of advanced electrode materials.


锐钛矿型 TiO2 中双掺杂剂的 DFT 引导设计,用于促进钠储存

锐钛型二氧化钛 (TiO2) 作为钠离子电池 (SIB) 中的负极材料引起了广泛关注,但它的 Na+ 在 TiO2 内的扩散动力学缓慢,电子导电性较差。在此,在密度泛函理论 (DFT) 的指导下,我们提出了一种氮硒双掺杂 TiO2 系统作为先进的 SIB 阳极。DFT 和实验研究都揭示了掺杂剂在提高 TiO2 电化学性能方面的协同作用,找到了整体改善 SIB 性能的最佳含量比(N/Se 为 1:3)。正如预期的那样,实验结果表明 N,Se 掺杂 TiO2 具有出色的储钠性能,包括高放电容量(2 A g-1 时为 142 mAh g-1)、良好的倍率性能(20 A g-1 时为 82 mAh g-1)和超长循环性(在 2 A g-1 下 5000 次循环中保留 97%)。我们的研究强调了双杂原子掺杂在先进电极材料合理设计中的重要性。