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Interfacial Charge Transfer in One-Dimensional AgBr Encapsulated inside Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Heterostructures
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c09474 Tian Che, Shuai Liu, Yatong Wang, Pin Zhao, Chengpeng Yang, Xiaohang Pan, Hongze Ji, Lin Geng, Qiong Sun, Ziyi Hu, Alei Li, Chengxu Zhou, Li-Chun Xu, Yunlei Zhong, Dan Tian, Yong Yang, Lixing Kang
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c09474 Tian Che, Shuai Liu, Yatong Wang, Pin Zhao, Chengpeng Yang, Xiaohang Pan, Hongze Ji, Lin Geng, Qiong Sun, Ziyi Hu, Alei Li, Chengxu Zhou, Li-Chun Xu, Yunlei Zhong, Dan Tian, Yong Yang, Lixing Kang
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The advent of one-dimensional van der Waals heterostructure (1D vdWH) nanomaterials has provided valuable opportunities for the advancement of electronic or optical devices, as well as for exploring various condensed matter phenomena. Electron transfer is a fundamental process in host–guest interactions, significantly influencing nanoscale physicochemical processes. Elucidating the mechanism by which the host influences the electronic structure of the guest is essential for elucidating these interactions. This study reports the successful synthesis of a material system consisting of precisely resolved AgBr nanowires encapsulated within single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) that has been successfully synthesized and utilized to investigate the intrinsic electron transfer across 1D vdWHs. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was employed to investigate the 1D vdWH interaction between AgBr and SWCNTs, which provided a more intuitive and accurate characterization of the charge transfer from SWCNTs to AgBr. Furthermore, Kelvin probe force microscopy showed a 149 mV reduction in the average surface potential of carbon nanotubes after AgBr filling, supporting the efficacy of CV in probing electron dynamics in 1D vdWHs. Finally, theoretical calculations indicated a charge transfer of 0.11 e– per simulation cell, reinforcing the effectiveness of CV in assessing the interactions within 1D vdWHs.
封装在单壁碳纳米管异质结构内的一维 AgBr 中的界面电荷转移
一维范德华异质结构 (1D vdWH) 纳米材料的出现为电子或光学器件的发展以及探索各种凝聚态现象提供了宝贵的机会。电子转移是主客体相互作用的基本过程,对纳米级物理化学过程产生重大影响。阐明宿主影响客体电子结构的机制对于阐明这些相互作用至关重要。本研究报告了一种材料系统的成功合成,该材料系统由封装在单壁碳纳米管 (SWCNT) 内的精确解析的 AgBr 纳米线组成,该材料系统已成功合成并用于研究跨 1D vdWH 的本征电子转移。采用循环伏安法 (CV) 研究 AgBr 和 SWCNT 之间的 1D vdWH 相互作用,这为从 SWCNT 到 AgBr 的电荷转移提供了更直观和准确的表征。此外,开尔文探针力显微镜显示,AgBr 填充后碳纳米管的平均表面电位降低了 149 mV,支持 CV 在探测 1D vdWHs 中的电子动力学方面的功效。最后,理论计算表明每个模拟单元的电荷转移为 0.11 e–,加强了 CV 在评估 1D vdWHs 内部相互作用方面的有效性。

封装在单壁碳纳米管异质结构内的一维 AgBr 中的界面电荷转移
一维范德华异质结构 (1D vdWH) 纳米材料的出现为电子或光学器件的发展以及探索各种凝聚态现象提供了宝贵的机会。电子转移是主客体相互作用的基本过程,对纳米级物理化学过程产生重大影响。阐明宿主影响客体电子结构的机制对于阐明这些相互作用至关重要。本研究报告了一种材料系统的成功合成,该材料系统由封装在单壁碳纳米管 (SWCNT) 内的精确解析的 AgBr 纳米线组成,该材料系统已成功合成并用于研究跨 1D vdWH 的本征电子转移。采用循环伏安法 (CV) 研究 AgBr 和 SWCNT 之间的 1D vdWH 相互作用,这为从 SWCNT 到 AgBr 的电荷转移提供了更直观和准确的表征。此外,开尔文探针力显微镜显示,AgBr 填充后碳纳米管的平均表面电位降低了 149 mV,支持 CV 在探测 1D vdWHs 中的电子动力学方面的功效。最后,理论计算表明每个模拟单元的电荷转移为 0.11 e–,加强了 CV 在评估 1D vdWHs 内部相互作用方面的有效性。