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Hydrogen Production at a Low Voltage of 0.46 V @ 0.4 A/cm2 at 850 °C in SOECs Enhanced by Anode Oxidation of Methane
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.4c02173
Liming Zhou, Kejing Wu, Dongting Li, Qiang Hu, Houfang Lu, Bin Liang

Introducing methane on the anode side of solid oxide electrolysis cells can consume oxygen species and produce hydrogen at a low voltage. This study employs an incorporation–segregation method to obtain platinum loaded Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 catalysts (Pt-SDC) with excellent catalytic activity for methane oxidation. The results show that 4% Pt-SDC achieves a high current density of 0.4 A/cm2 at 0.46 V with methane oxidation over the anode, which exhibits a relatively low activation energy of 80.19 kJ/mol for methane oxidation. The electrochemical performance is highly dependent on thermal oxidation activity. Impedance fitting reveals a reduced polarization resistance from 3.27 Ω cm2 for Pure SDC to 0.73 Ω cm2 for 4% Pt-SDC. The results indicate that methane is oxidized on the anode side. The incorporation of Pt enhances the stability of the electrolysis cell, and the voltage increase rate is 0.2 mV/h for 4% Pt-SDC and 1.8 mV/h for Pure SDC, respectively.


在 850 °C 下 0.46 V @ 0.4 A/cm2 的低电压下,通过甲烷阳极氧化增强 SOEC 制氢

在固体氧化物电解槽的阳极侧引入甲烷会消耗氧并在低电压下产生氢气。本研究采用掺入-偏析方法获得铂负载 Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 催化剂 (Pt-SDC),具有优异的甲烷氧化催化活性。结果表明,4% Pt-SDC 在 0.46 V 下实现了 0.4 A/cm2 的高电流密度,阳极上有甲烷氧化,表现出相对较低的甲烷氧化活化能,为 80.19 kJ/mol。电化学性能高度依赖于热氧化活性。阻抗拟合显示,极化电阻从纯 SDC 的 3.27 Ω cm2 降低到 4% Pt-SDC 的 0.73 Ω cm2。结果表明,甲烷在阳极侧被氧化。Pt 的掺入增强了电解槽的稳定性,4% Pt-SDC 的电压增加速率分别为 0.2 mV/h 和 Pure SDC 的 1.8 mV/h。