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Capital and income breeders among herbs: how relative biomass allocation into a storage organ relates to clonal traits, phenology and environmental gradients
New Phytologist ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 , DOI: 10.1111/nph.20260 Timothy Harris, Andrea Kučerová, Martin Bitomský, Alena Bartušková, Frederick Curtis Lubbe, Jitka Klimešová
New Phytologist ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 , DOI: 10.1111/nph.20260 Timothy Harris, Andrea Kučerová, Martin Bitomský, Alena Bartušková, Frederick Curtis Lubbe, Jitka Klimešová
- Perennial herbs of seasonal climates invest carbon into belowground storage organs (e.g. rhizomes) to support growth when photosynthetic acquisition cannot cover demands. An alternative explanation interprets storage allocation as surplus carbon that is undeployable for growth when plants are limited by nutrients/water. We analysed relative investments to rhizomes to see to which of these explanations they align, and asked whether they scale with biomass of aboveground organs in individual species and whether clonal growth traits, phenology or environmental conditions explain investment among populations or species.
- We measured biomass of rhizomes, aboveground stems and leaves in 20 temperate herbaceous perennial species, each at two localities, establishing allometric relationships for pairs of organs. We correlated relative rhizome investment with clonal traits, environmental gradients and phenology, across species.
- For pairs of organs, biomass typically scales isometrically. Interspecific allocation differences are largely explained by phenology. Neither interspecific nor intraspecific differences were explained by clonal traits or environment.
- Storage organs of perennial herbs do not comprise deposition of carbon surplus, but receive greater allocation in capital breeders (early-flowering), than among income breeders (late-flowering) relying on acquisition during growing season. Capital and income breeders in plants deserve further examination of benefits/costs.
我们测量了 20 种温带多年生草本植物的根茎、地上茎和叶的生物量,每个物种位于两个地点,建立了器官对的异速生长关系。我们将相对根茎投资与不同物种的克隆性状、环境梯度和物候相关联。