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Superconducting memory and trapped magnetic flux in ternary lanthanum polyhydrides
Materials Today Physics ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mtphys.2024.101595
Dmitrii V. Semenok, Andrey V. Sadakov, Di Zhou, Oleg A. Sobolevskiy, Sven Luther, Toni Helm, Vladimir M. Pudalov, Ivan A. Troyan, Viktor V. Struzhkin

Superconducting memory is a promising technology for data storage because of its speed, high energy efficiency, non-volatility, and compatibility with quantum computing devices. However, the need for cryogenic temperatures renders superconducting memory an extremely expensive and specialized device. Ternary lanthanum polyhydrides, due to their high critical temperatures of 240–250 K, represent a convenient platform for studying effects associated with superconductivity in disordered granular systems. In this work, we investigate trapped magnetic flux and memory effects in recently discovered lanthanum-neodymium (La,Nd)H10 and lanthanum-scandium (La,Sc)H12 superhydrides at a pressure of 175–196 GPa. We use a steady magnetic field of a few Tesla (T) and strong pulsed fields up to 68 T to create the trapped flux state in the compressed superhydrides. We find a clockwise hysteresis of magnetoresistance in cerium CeH9-10 and lanthanum-cerium (La,Ce)H10+x polyhydrides, a characteristic feature of granular superconductors. A study of the current-voltage characteristics and voltage-temperature curves of the samples with trapped magnetic flux indicates a significant memory effect in La-Sc polyhydrides already at 225–230 K.



超导存储器是一种很有前途的数据存储技术,因为它具有速度快、能效高、非易失性以及与量子计算设备的兼容性。然而,对低温的需求使超导存储器成为一种极其昂贵且专用的设备。三元镧多氢化物由于其 240-250 K 的高临界温度,代表了研究无序颗粒系统中与超导性相关的效应的便捷平台。在这项工作中,我们研究了最近发现的镧-钕 (La,Nd)H10 和镧-钪 (La,Sc)H12 过氢化物在 175-196 GPa 的压力下的俘获磁通量和记忆效应。我们使用几特斯拉 (T) 的稳定磁场和高达 68 T 的强脉冲场在压缩的过氢化物中产生被困的磁通量状态。我们在铈 CeH9-10 和镧-铈 (La,Ce)H10+x 多氢化物中发现了磁阻的顺时针磁滞,这是颗粒超导体的一个特征。对具有捕获磁通量的样品的电流-电压特性和电压-温度曲线的研究表明,在 225-230 K 的 La-Sc 多氢化物中已经存在显着的记忆效应。