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Chemodivergent Phototransformations of Green Fluorescent Protein Related Chromophores: Wavelength-Dependent Photodimerization and Spirocyclization
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-11 , DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202401001
Victoria E. Opryshko, Dmitrii S. Ivanov, Anastasia A. Danshina, Svetlana A. Krasnova, Artur V. Eshtukov-Shcheglov, Andrey A. Mikhaylov, Alexander Yu. Smirnov, Mikhail S. Baranov

Benzylidene imidazolones with an ortho-sec-amino group undergo chemodivergent photochemical transformations, based on the wavelength of irradiation. Irradiation at 525 nm causes dimerization and the formation of cyclobutanes with two spiroatoms, related to dictazoles in 87–98% yield. In turn, irradiation at 365 nm provides access to spirocyclic indolines in 67–92% yield. Each of the processes proceeds with exclusive atom economy and chemoselectivity.



具有邻位 Sec-氨基的 Benzylidene 咪唑酮根据照射的波长发生化学发散光化学转变。在 525 nm 处照射会导致二聚化和具有两个螺原子的环丁烷的形成,与二唑有关,产率为 87-98%。反过来,在 365 nm 处照射以 67-92% 的产率获得螺环吲哚啉。每个过程都以独占的原子经济性和化学选择性进行。
