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Electron-Donor-Mediated Divergent Transformation of Br–RF via EDA Complex for the Synthesis of Fluorine-Containing Oxindoles and Amides
Organic Letters ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-11 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.4c03830
Shu-Peng Zhang, Jin-Xin Lan, Mei-Ling Yang, Jing-Yi Cao, Yicheng Zhang, Wen-Chao Yang

We have developed an unprecedented electron-donor-controlled divergent reaction between N-alkylsulfonylated acrylamides and Br–RF, facilitated by an electron donor–acceptor (EDA) complex, for the synthesis of fluorine-containing oxindoles and amides. Key to this divergent transformation is the EDA complex generation by altering electron donors. This approach has several advantages, such as broad substrate scope, being metal-catalyst- and photocatalyst-free, and having good functional group tolerance.


电子供体介导的 Br-RF 通过 EDA 复合物的发散转化合成含氟氧吲哚和酰胺

在电子供体-受体 (EDA) 复合物的促进下,我们在 N-烷基磺酰化丙烯酰胺和 Br-RF 之间开发了一种前所未有的电子-供体控制发散反应,用于合成含氟的氧吲哚和酰胺。这种发散转变的关键是通过改变电子供体产生 EDA 复合物。这种方法有几个优点,例如广泛的衬底范围、不含金属催化剂和光催化剂以及具有良好的官能团耐受性。