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Vulnerability to Achievement Stressors: More Evidence That Students With Learning Disabilities Require Intensive Intervention
Journal of Learning Disabilities ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-11 , DOI: 10.1177/00222194241297051
Jessica M. Namkung, Lynn S. Fuchs

In this article, we introduce the term vulnerability to achievement stressors, which refers to differentially low achievement when shifts in the educational environment “stress” or threaten the capacity of an individual or a group of individuals to make academic progress. We also introduce a methodological framework for assessing vulnerability to achievement stressors. Vulnerability to achievement stressors in students with learning disabilities (LD), relative to students without disabilities, is illustrated with two achievement stressors: (a) the shift in learning standards codified in Common Core State Standards, specifically the increase in complexity of the fourth-grade fractions curriculum, and (b) the COVID-19 pandemic, which decreased instructional structure by disrupting in-person teaching. Because these illustrations were embedded within randomized controlled trials, each with an inclusive instruction condition and an intensive intervention condition, they also provide the basis for concluding that intensive intervention is more effective than inclusive instruction for addressing students with LD’s vulnerability to achievement stressors and for narrowing their persistently severe achievement gaps.



在本文中,我们介绍了“对成就压力源的脆弱性”一词,它指的是当教育环境的变化“压力”或威胁到个人或一群人取得学业进步的能力时,成绩相对较低。我们还引入了一个评估对成就压力源的脆弱性的方法框架。相对于没有残疾的学生,有学习障碍 (LD) 的学生容易受到成绩压力源的影响,可以用两个成就压力源来说明:(a) 共同核心州标准中编纂的学习标准的转变,特别是四年级分数课程复杂性的增加,以及 (b) COVID-19 大流行,它通过扰乱面对面教学来减少教学结构。因为这些插图嵌入在随机对照试验中,每个试验都有一个包容性教学条件和一个强化干预条件,它们也为得出强化干预比包容性教学更有效的结论提供了基础,以解决 LD 学生对成就压力源的脆弱性,并缩小他们持续严重的成绩差距。