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Competitive multiple phase transitions and distinct superconducting states in a Re3Ge7 single crystal under hydrostatic pressure
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-08 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.184507
Chenglin Li, BinBin Ruan, Qingxin Dong, Pengtao Yang, Guorui Xiao, Tong Shi, Zhaoming Tian, Jianping Sun, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Genfu Chen, Zhi Ren, Gang Wang, Zhian Ren, Bosen Wang, Jinguang Cheng

We report the growth and physical properties of high-quality needle-shaped Re3Ge7 single crystal with various characterizations. It exhibits a gapped metal-insulator (MI)-like phase transition with evident Shubnikov–de Haas oscillation of low-𝑇 electrical resistivity. The superconducting phase diagram was revisited by measuring the electrical resistivity in a cubic anvil cell (CAC) under various hydrostatic pressures up to 12 GPa. Unlike the results of single crystals in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and polycrystalline in CAC, the gapped MI-like phase transition of single-crystal Re3Ge7 evolves into three charge density wave (CDW)-like ones, which are reduced gradually by applied pressure and then collapse at several critical pressures; approaching the CDW-like quantum criticality, two distinct superconducting phases emerge and transit from one to another in a narrow pressure range; the significant increase in superconducting width indicates their strong competition. By combining density functional theory calculations, the origin of the melting MI-like transition caused by pressure and Ga doping, as well as the competitive CDW-like phase transitions and distinct superconductivity, are discussed.


静水压力下 Re3Ge7 单晶中具有竞争力的多相变和不同的超导态

我们报道了具有各种表征的高质量针状 Re3Ge7 单晶的生长和物理性质。它表现出类似间隙金属绝缘体 (MI) 的相变,具有明显的低 T 电阻率 Shubnikov-de Haas 振荡。通过在高达 12 GPa 的各种静水压力下测量立方砧单元 (CAC) 中的电阻率,重新审视了超导相图。与金刚石砧电池 (DAC) 中的单晶和 CAC 中的多晶不同,单晶 Re3Ge7 的间隙 MI 样相变演变成三个电荷密度波 (CDW) 样相变,这些相变在施加压力下逐渐减小,然后在几个临界压力下坍缩;接近类似 CDW 的量子临界点,两个不同的超导相出现,并在狭窄的压力范围内从一个相转移到另一个相;超导宽度的显著增加表明它们具有很强的竞争能力。通过结合密度泛函理论计算,讨论了由压力和 Ga 掺杂引起的熔化 MI 样转变的起源,以及竞争性的 CDW 样相变和独特的超导性。